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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Magdalena.85@interia.eu: It is highly likely that this was an allergic reaction to the drug - either to the antibiotic Duomox or to Paracetamol. If you have used Duomox before, it is more likely that this is related to taking Paracetamol Accord. Perhaps under stress you gave the name Polopyrin - as in the second thread in this post - on this basis the doctor could presume an allergy to salicylates.

Magdalena.85@interia.eu  (Anonymous, 188.146.37.) 2 years ago

I will add that earlier for fever I already took duomox, I combined it, but I do not remember whether with paracetamol, certainly not with accord, because I took it for the first time. Could the interaction of these 2 drugs have worked like this? The doctor said that I may be allergic to salicylates, but neither in duomox nor in the accord poloririn is this substance

Magdalena.85@interia.eu  (Anonymous, 188.146.37.) 2 years ago

Hi, yesterday I also had a similar situation, wzielam 1.5 tab duomoxu and 1 tab.parecetamolu accord. After a few nimutach itching and burning of the whole body, after a while the whole swollen, the worst face - eyelids, mouth and tongue. Quickly after the ambulance, they gave intramuscularly 2 injections from the allergy and passed, although today in the morning the swelling on the face is still there and numb my hands from the elbows down. I still took lime, yesterday and today as the doctor ordered. Should I worry and see a doctor, or wait another day?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Prosimy o informację, gdzie Pani spuchła i co Panią boli, a także z jakiego powodu przyjmuje Pani Duomox.

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