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Mania1979 (Anonymous, 83.24.19.) Warszawa 4 years ago

What effects can a healthy person take Ozempic?

What effects can a healthy person take Ozempic at a 0.25 mg donor? More and more women are losing weight on this drug.

16 answers, 2 subscribers

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The person asking the question rightly noted that more and more people are losing weight on this drug. Unfortunately, this is true and you can still see this trend on the Internet on various types of groups and in pharmacies. Patients are looking for this type of medication on their own, buying it from other people on the Internet and looking for advice on how they should use it. This is a very dangerous way to fight obesity because it is a prescription drug and it is the doctor who recommends the use of the drug that should guide the patient to start treatment and increase doses. In addition, it is illegal to trade in prescription drugs outside the pharmacy. As mentioned below, Ozempic is indicated for use in adults with insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes and what is very important - including a properly balanced diet, adequate calorie content and physical exertion. It can be used alone or in combination with other medicines used to treat diabetes. It does not currently have an indication (entered in the documentation) in the treatment of obesity, but it is used for this purpose. Diabetes, especially type 2, unfortunately often goes hand in hand with obesity disease. The active substance, semaglutide, belongs to a group of drugs called "GLP-1 analogues" and they are used to treat obesity. Currently, on the market, in addition to the injectable form, semaglutide in tablets has appeared. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/111644/rybelsus-tabletki/apteki Substances of this group not only help to lose weight, but also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, which is extremely important both in the treatment of diabetes and in the treatment of obesity. However, this is not a drug for everyone. We warn you against taking any prescription medication without first consulting your doctor. In healthy people, in whom the doctor did not find the need to use the drug (overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes), and use the drug on their own, there may be a risk of, for example, dysregulation of their own hormonal balance and thus more harm than good. I leave a link to a video that might be interesting:

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

TO @Karola6455:

A doctor's prescription will be necessary. Here you can check availability in pharmacies and make a reservation:


Karola6455 (Anonymous, 5.173.233.) 4 months ago

Where can you get this medication if your dietitian has recommended it?

Response removed because: contains personal attacks.

KLo. (Anonymous, 91.239.245.) 16 months ago

I bought on my own Ozempik 0.5 mg to lose weight. He wants to get rid of 8 kilograms. After one day after the injection, I spent the whole day in bed, I was unable to go to work, the headache and nausea were unbearable, I began to shake from the cold. I'll let you know what's next. I hope that he will not regret the lost money and will not pay for it with his health.

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

16 months ago

Yes, symptoms such as bloating, nausea, belching are the most common side effects of the drug. Therefore, the dose is increased gradually so that the body adapts to this substance. Usually, such symptoms pass after the first few weeks or become less bothersome. I leave a link to the text related to the topic: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/nowe-leki-na-otylosc-i-cukrzyce-jak-nie-dac-sie-oszukac I remind you to change needles regularly. Pen needles can be ordered via GdziePoLek online with home delivery or collection at the pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48855/igly-do-penow-bd-micro-fine-plus-igla/apteki?pvid=96330#internetowe https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/61649/insupen-igly-do-penow-pic-indolor-igla/apteki#internetowe

Anka (Anonymous, 31.0.78.) 16 months ago

Hello, I have type 2 diabetes, I take medication and now I came to ozempik 0.5, the second dose I took or 2 weeks. I wanted to ask if it is normal that the belly is b bloated, it bounces me and especially at night or minoe

Jacek (Anonymous, 31.42.1.) 17 months ago

In my home we use this drug for weight loss, daughter 32l, and wife helped to lose weight, in daughter with great effect, previously there were various attempts but not very effective. I also take it but for me very weak weight loss effect, but with my sugar 100/110 improves my mood

Tola (Anonymous, 37.47.158.) 19 months ago

I have metabolic syndrome but without "full" diabetes. The doctor prescribed me ozempic 0.5 mg. With 85 kg is 76 after half a year and b. good results sugar, cholesterol etc

Użytkownik (Anonymous, 188.147.76.) 1 year ago

I do not know if people writing comments on the principle of "LEAVE THIS MEDICINE FOR DIABETICS" realize that obesity is as dangerous a disease as diabetes and diabetes and this kind of comments should be kept to themselves. Not every "FAT PIG" is fat through its own fault. Since there is a drug that works on obesity and it is confirmed, complain to the manufacturer that he is not able to release the demand for the entire market and not for people who also need this drug. You diabetes still have many drugs that help and obesity drugs do not have such a wide range. And he will stop saying that it is enough not to eat so much because with such comments you show how backward you are a society. There are a lot of diseases that come from nowhere. It is a pity that you do not tell people with lung cancer that it is enough not to breathe, because it would also solve their problem ... Embrace the people for real, it's free and maybe at least a little to fix this already sufficiently broken society ...

Elka  (Anonymous, 185.21.87.) 1 year ago


Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

In response to the great interest of patients, a non-reimbursed drug Ozempic from parallel imports appeared in pharmacies. The availability of the drug in pharmacies can be checked here: Ozempic 0.5 mg https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99258/ozempic-iniekcja/apteki?pvid=275329 Ozempic 1 mg https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99258/ozempic-iniekcja/apteki?pvid=275351

Cukrzyk bez leku  (Anonymous, 5.173.225.) 2 years ago

Eat less and exercise more, and leave the drug for diabetics who can't get it now through sharks. Probably the life and health of a sick person is more important than the vision of a thick gluttony.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @sara: the registered indications are for the use of Ozempic in diabetes. This preparation does not have registration for the treatment of obesity - the decision on such use of the preparation can be made by a doctor, then it should follow the principles of choosing an off-label drug: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leczenie-off-label-poza-wskazaniami

sara (Anonymous, 83.26.154.) 2 years ago

is it possible to use the drug ozemoic for weight loss

Karo (Anonymous, 5.173.50.) 3 years ago

Jak przewozic lek ozempic w samolocie .ponieważ musi być w lodówce.

Marta Janocha Pharmacist

4 years ago

Substancją aktywną leku Ozempic jest semaglutyd. Jest to lek stosowany w leczeniu cukrzycy.

Opierając się na Charakterystyce Produktu Leczniczego, semaglutyd zmniejsza stężenie glukozy we krwi w sposób zależny od stężenia glukozy poprzez pobudzenie wydzielania insuliny i zmniejszenie wydzielania glukagonu, gdy stężenie glukozy we krwi jest duże. Mechanizm zmniejszenia stężenia glukozy we krwi obejmuje również niewielkie opóźnienie we wczesnym poposiłkowym opróżnianiu żołądka. Podczas hipoglikemii semaglutyd zmniejsza wydzielanie insuliny, nie zaburzając wydzielania glukagonu.
Semaglutyd zmniejsza masę ciała i masę tłuszczową w wyniku zmniejszenia podaży kalorii, w tym hamowania apetytu. Ponadto semaglutyd zmniejsza ochotę na pokarmy wysokotłuszczowe.

Pojawiły się badania, które sugerują, że lek ten może pomóc osobom z otyłością podczas odchudzania. Badanie wykazało, że podawanie semaglutydu osobom z otyłością, ale nie chorującym na cukrzycę, doprowadziło do redukcji masy ciała. Badaniem objęło 957 uczestników, z których 35% stanowili mężczyźni. Trwają dalsze badania nad wpływem semaglutydu na redukcję masy ciała. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180318144816.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573908/

Najczęstszym działaniem niepożądanym po stosowaniu leku były zaburzenia żołądka i jelit, w tym nudności (bardzo często), biegunka (bardzo często) i wymioty (często). Objawy te były zwykle łagodne lub umiarkowane oraz krótkotrwałe.

Oczywiście, jest to lek, który przepisać może wyłącznie lekarz. Ma on prawo stosować go poza wskazaniami. Musi brać jednak za to pełną odpowiedzialność. Ze względu na fakt, że jest to nowy lek (pozwolenie na dopuszczenie do obrotu w UE zostało wydane w dniu 8 lutego 2018 r.) podlega on dodatkowemu monitoringowi. Umożliwia to szybkie zidentyfikowanie nowych informacji o bezpieczeństwie.

Załączam link do śledzenia dostępności leku w Polsce: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99258/ozempic-iniekcja/apteki/w-polsce

Polecam nasze artykuły: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/rosliny-na-odchudzanie-i-oczyszczanie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/otylosc-i-nadwaga

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