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Dagmko (Anonymous, 188.122.27.) Warszawa 4 years ago

When I forgot my Belara tablet, should I not take a break between packages?

Good morning, if I forgot to take a Belar tablet one day and the next day I took two tablets in a row and I had 4 tablets left on the blister. When the blister is finished, shouldN't I take a 7-day break but start a new packaging?

20 answers, 3 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

To @Olalola: Take the overdue tablet as soon as possible (even if it means taking two tablets on the same day) and use additional protection, such as a condom, for another 7 days, as contraceptive protection may be impaired. Due to the fact that intercourse has taken place after skipping the tablet, pregnancy should be ruled out by performing a pregnancy test about 10 days after the last intercourse without additional protection.

Olalola (Anonymous, 37.30.112.) 10 months ago

Good morning. I skipped the Belara tablet. I realized only when I noticed that on Monday I was taking a pill from Sunday. Unfortunately, I do not check the day taking the tablet, so the missed dose occurred in the last few days (perhaps yesterday, maybe 3 days ago). How big is the risk of getting pregnant if sexual intercourse occurs every day? And how to continue to use the tablets? (I will add that a few days ago there was heavy bleeding, but this is only my 3rd package of these tablets - there are 7 in the package)

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @anonim: The possibility of pregnancy should be considered if sexual intercourse occurred within 7 days before skipping the 5th Belara tablet.

anonim (Anonymous, 89.66.222.) 12 months ago

If I took 5 from the package Belara contraceptive pill with a delay of about 15 hours and last week (7 days break in taking pills) I had intercourse, can I be pregnant?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

For @System: Belara tablets are taken according to the scheme, regardless of the bleeding that occurs.

System (Anonymous, 5.184.243.) 1 year ago

Hello, I missed two of the last week. Earlier, I took an antibiotic after which I vomited. Today a few hours after taking the belayer I got a small spotting in a dark color, I have to continue taking pills or is it already a period?

Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

1 year ago

For @Czarnaa: Propranolol has no effect on the effectiveness of contraceptive pills against pregnancy.

Czarnaa (Anonymous, 195.136.139.) 1 year ago

Hello. I do not know if this is the right thread but I have the following question, because I have such a problem very often reddening in front of people it is very bothersome, I am going to start using PROPRANOLOL whether this drug will interfere with contraception, or will they continue to be well protected?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Zamyslona: In this situation, you should finish taking the tablets from the current package and start the next pack of tablets without taking a 7-day break. Contraceptive protection remains preserved. If the break is missed, withdrawal bleeding will occur only after the end of the next pack, while spotting or mid-cycle bleeding may occur while taking the tablets.

Zamyslona (Anonymous, 195.136.137.) 1 year ago

Hello. I skipped a tablet of the drug Belara I took it exactly after 15 hours to the end of the package I had 5 tablets left, whether to take a normal break of 7 days or start a new package and whether to use additional protection?

Zamyslona (Anonymous, 195.136.137.) 1 year ago

Hello. I skipped a tablet of the drug Belara I took it exactly after 15 hours to the end of the package I had 5 tablets left, whether to take a normal break of 7 days or start a new package and whether to use additional protection?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Patrycja: You can start the next pack of pills now. An additional condom should be used for the first 7 days. You can also wait for menstruation, then taking the pill on the first day of menstruation will provide contraceptive protection from the first pill.

Patrycja (Anonymous, 94.254.209.) 2 years ago

I have been eating pills for 2 months now I had a break of 7 days and I forgot to buy prescriptions probably 14 days passed so what to do in such a situation to wait until the period begins?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Kasia:

Proszę napisać którą konkretnie tabletkę z blistra Belara Pani pominęła (z którego tygodnia) - postępowanie jeśli chodzi o pominięcie tabletki wygląda nieco inaczej w każdym tygodniu.

Kasia (Anonymous, 37.248.152.) 2 years ago

Hej. Przyjmuje belare. W piątek zapomniałam wziąść tabletki i wzięłam w sobotę kolejna przypisana do soboty a piatkowa zostawiłam. Teraz czytam ze powinnam wziąść dwie.. co teraz ? Czyli przyjęłam tak
Czwartek tak Piątek nie Sobota tak Niedziela tak Co teraz ?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Proszę o informację, która tabletkę z blistra Pani pominęła.

Arcia (Anonymous, 37.47.59.) 3 years ago

Witam pominełam całkowicie tabletkę co wtedy ?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Dokładną instrukcję stosowania leku Belara znajdzie Pani w ulotce:

W razie pytań, służymy pomocą.

Maaarciaa (Anonymous, 5.173.249.) 3 years ago

Dziewczyny wytłumaczcie mi dokładnie jak to stosować , kiedy przerwy ?

Katarzyna Jutrzonka Pharmacist

4 years ago

Zgodnie z ulotką leku jeśli pominęła Pani tabletkę o więcej niż 12 h to należy natychmiast przyjąć ostatnią pominiętą tabletkę powlekaną, nawet, jeżeli oznacza to jednoczesne przyjęcie dwóch tabletek. Zatem bardzo dobrze Pani postąpiła.

Następne tabletki powlekane należy przyjmować o zwykłej
porze. Ponadto, przez następne 7 dni należy dodatkowo stosować mechaniczne metody antykoncepcji, np. prezerwatywy. Jak Pani zużyje 4 ostatnie tabletki, to nie powinna Pani robić 7 dniowej przerwy jak zwykle, tylko rozpocząć brać kolejne opakowanie.

Przesyłam ulotkę leku: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/9841/belara-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka?docId=50

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