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Dagmara (Anonymous, 93.157.155.) Warszawa 4 years ago

Does a disposable loose stool affect the effectiveness of birth control pills? Should I take a second tablet?

Does a disposable loose stool affect the effectiveness of contraceptive pills? Approx. Hours after taking the tablet, 3 weeks of blister (24+4). Or take the second one if necessary?

33 answers, 1 subscriber

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Nie, jednorazowy luźny stolec nie wpływa na skuteczność tabletek antykoncepcyjnych. Proszę nie przyjmować kolejnej pigułki. Skuteczność środków antykoncepcyjnych ogranicza choroba przebiegająca z biegunką. Może to sprawić, że składniki pigułki nie zostaną wchłonięte, więc nie będą w stanie przeciwdziałać ciąży.
W tych sytuacjach powinno się stosować dodatkowe zabezpieczenie (prezerwatywę) przez tydzień. Jeśli wymioty lub biegunka wystąpiły w czasie krótszym niż 3-4 godziny od zażycia tabletki, należy niezwłocznie przyjąć kolejną pigułkę. Dodatkowe zabezpieczenie nie jest w takiej sytuacji potrzebne.

Jednorazowy płynny lub półpłynny stolec nie jest biegunką. Biegunka to oddawanie luźnego stolca więcej niż 3 razy na dobę.

Przesyłam materiały, które mogą okazać się przydatne: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji


7 months ago

And if for two days there was such a situation that one day, 2.5 hours after taking Vines, there was a watery one, the water itself, such a bowel movement, and then another one like this, when 4 hours had passed since taking the vines, and the second day was also similar, because one was watery when 4 hours had not passed and the other when they had already passed. Jegzze plus that day and the next day I took two tablets of stoperan bi I don't know if it's diarrhea or just like that. Please reply as soon as possible because I don't know what to do in this situation

Response removed because: duplicates existing content.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @Janeta: Contraceptive protection has remained in place - no need to worry.

Janeta  (Anonymous, 78.88.253.) 11 months ago

Good morning, I cordially ask you with this question, although I know there have already been similar but each case is different. Today, after taking the pill about 5-10 minutes after a small rare stool, I did not take an additional pill. 2.5 hours later I had a drink, a large tall glass, a glass of Sprite, lemon vodka and sparkling water. Apparently, alcohol does not affect, but I wanted to ask if both of the above incidents could have somehow reduced protection. I will add that after the drink there was neither vomiting nor diarrhea. Regards Janeta


12 months ago

And so 10 times during the blister after taking the tablet I will have one semi-liquid stool, is it lower skutevkosx vines, for example, also if every day I would have such a semi-liquid stool and sometimes on these days I would drink alcohol, will the effectiveness remain maintained if every day for 24 days of active tablets there will be such a bowel movement plus I will also drink alcohol from time to time after yyuc bowel movements?


13 months ago

And if such a situation also took place on the second day?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Gabriela: No, it does not reduce effectiveness.


13 months ago

And can the stool be said to be of a normal consistency, maybe a little semi-liquid dokaldnie 3 hours after taking vines reduces the effectiveness of the tablet if it wobbled after that I had intercourse?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Gabriela: Contraceptive protection remains preserved.


13 months ago

I'll ask jezgze what jelsi last occurred and me polpynny stool 4 and a half hours after taking vines and then the same after 8 hours and the same day I drank alcohol but there were no more bowel movements or vomiting

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Gabriela: No, you do not have to protect yourself additionally.


13 months ago

Thank you for your answer, I will be calmer. So I do not have to additionally protect myself? Protection retained

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Gabriela: It won't affect either.


13 months ago

I'm sorry and ask jezgze because I thought it would be one stool so polpynny but for this also occurred the second such 8 and a half hours after taking vines . So do two semi-stools one equally 3 hours after taking the tablet and the other 8.i half hours do they affect the reduction of effectiveness? I made a mistake early and it was after 3 hours. Please odpwodiaxa because I'm very accurate and I prefer to know if I'm safe


13 months ago

Good morning, and whether one semi-liquid stool exactly 4 hours after taking the vines tablet also does not affect the reduction of effectiveness if, for example, it took place several times in the blister


14 months ago

Good morning, and if there is such a situation that every day, for example, it lasts 4 days in a row, I pass such a semi-liquid stool, it reduces the effectiveness of vines due to the fact that it lasts several days in a row, but it is one such semi-liquid stool a day and when it has been 4 godixny since taking the tablet, do I have to margiwc through these bowel movements lasting several days that they have such consistency and can reduce effectiveness?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

For @Marcela: No additional tablet is necessary. Contraceptive protection is preserved.

Marcela (Anonymous, 77.65.105.) 14 months ago

Good morning! I take the third package of Drovelis (today it is the 4th tablet from the new blister). An hour after taking the tablet, I pass a watery stool. The situation did not happen again, and I am convinced that it resulted from food intolerance. Is it necessary to take another tablet?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Monia: No, it did not affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.

Monia (Anonymous, 83.242.126.) 15 months ago

Hello or as I had an hour after taking the contraceptive pill feces such a loose consistency ala "cake" and then by the end of the day I did not have such or generally did not defecate and in two days the same situation is the risk that it affected the contraceptive pills on their action

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Weronika: No, there is no need to take an additional tablet.

Weronika (Anonymous, 88.220.51.) 17 months ago

It was caused by coffee, not infection

Weronika (Anonymous, 88.220.51.) 17 months ago

If after 1.5 hours from taking the tablet once there was a very slightly watery bowel movement without a consistency as watery as diarrhea, is it necessary to take a spare tablet? These are Vixpo tablets

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Monika: Passing loose stool once does not affect the effectiveness of birth control pills.

Monika (Anonymous, 37.248.220.) 18 months ago

Good morning I'm on the 20th tablet from the blister I 3 h after the tablet I got a loose stool . It was not watery and not uncommon like diarrhea, or water, but the color was light brown. My stomach hurt a little and then I passed this stool. I did not take an additional tablet then. What should I do if it has decreased performance?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Joanna: Yes, contraceptive protection is preserved.

Joanna  (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 1 year ago

I took a pill and after 4 hours I had a watery bowel movement, I had another two watery bowel movements after another 3 hours. Is contraception preserved? That was the end of it.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Joanna: If it is a few days of diarrhea, e.g. bacterial or viral - then there may be a decrease in the effectiveness of contraception, more here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/84555/czy-4-dniowa-biegunka-oslabia-dzialanie-tabletek-antykoncepcyjnych It is therefore worth protecting yourself additionally throughout the duration of gastrointestinal disorders.

Joanna  (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 1 year ago

Even if it is watery diarrhea from the disease?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Joanna: Then the drug has already been absorbed and there is no risk of reducing its effectiveness - protection is preserved.

Joanna (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 1 year ago

And if diarrhea or passing 3 times loose stool occurs after 4 hours?

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