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Kasia (Anonymous, 89.64.46.) Warszawa 4 years ago

What to do if my ears and sides of my neck hurt after returning from a walk?

Hello, when I return from a walk where the wind blew slightly,after entering the house for 10 to 15 minutes my ears hurt and under the ears the sides of the neck

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Mariusz  (Anonymous, 87.204.190.) 6 months ago

A year after the post, I have been cured of this unusual disease since the spring. Physical therapy helped - massages privately, e.g. from a well-known doctor app, I chose those who have good opinions and needle needles. It wasn't painful. My neck muscles were stiff, my nerves were tight. The second issue is that I had a low white blood cell count before and I had been taking vitamin B complex every day for several months before this disease. It may have revived the nerves pinched in the stiff muscles of the neck and made them hypersensitive. Now I only take it once in a while. Wit. B. The ailment is unusual and you need to look for someone specifically for this. I was most referred by an old neurologist from primary care (for rehabilitation with massage) and privately by a young neurologist with very good opinions in the application (for needling).

Mariusz  (Anonymous, 31.182.230.) 16 months ago

Pain in the neck and ears from the cold. Neck ears sensitive to cold . I have similar symptoms. It started as a bilateral ear infection. in October. But the antibiotic did not help. After 3 days I noticed that the exposed neck causes more pain: from the inside of the ear, behind the ear, neck , salivary glands , feeling of filling the ear, pain in the auricles It helped ... sitting in a hat and scarf at home, sleeping in a hat and scarf, hot baths, etc. Remote work in December and January, basking helped slowly. Because when you open the fridge and feel a breath of cold and cold and pain in the neck of the auricle, filling in the ears is not cool. Any exit to negative temperatures intensifies the symptoms. A private otolaryngologist in December on several visits made a video, ear examinations, etc. what he could and directed to professionals of higher rank. The otolaryngologist said in January that it was not ears. I could feel my ears. Her assistant professor also ruled out ears in February. Systematic basking helped, significantly weakened the symptoms. X-ray of the spine with POZ – good for this age Prof. neurologist – found possible hypersensitivity of the nerve, she asked about COVID. Since I was healthy, I went to the indoor pool in February, because the deadline for the National Health Fund was approaching. After the pool intensified - the sensation in the ears the most After the pool despite the earaches OK at the ENT in the examination. Maybe mastoid, maybe neuralgia . Aimed at CT. Basking again, helps. A neurologist from the National Health Fund (from December the date ordered) in March found a problem with the muscle or nerve Physical therapy did not help. Some blockages can be done nervously. We'll see what happens in the spring. In March, rather in the cold, he feels on the side of the neck and under the chin of the salivary glands and behind the ears, auricles. Filling in the ears less . Unusual "malfunction" and doctors diagnose. There are physiotherapists who do nerve blockades, treat neuralgia.

Kate (Anonymous, 188.33.248.) 18 months ago

I have a similar problem and it does not depend on summer, winter, autumn or spring, usually the pain sown in the wind. Once the home doctor asked me if I had a problem with the tooks? And so it was. Unfortunately, the doctor is no longer here. I had irradiation lamp solux 10 treatments was better, but over time the problem returned. Other ENT doctors, otolaryngologists, where I had full tests done, did not make a good diagnosis and did not recommend wise treatment. "It's best to wear a hat, in summer too" Eh.. 😉 Unfortunately, it is a nuisance and no one can help.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

Do @Zuza - proszę zwrócić uwagę, że pierwotna odpowiedź pochodzi sprzed dwóch miesięcy, w związku z czym raczej nie panowała wówczas "piękna i upalna pogoda". Proszę także zwrócić uwagę, że pacjentka wyraźnie zaznaczyła, że wiąże dolegliwości z warunkami na zewnątrz (lekki wiatr). Nie zadała również tak naprawdę pytania, co zasadniczo nie pozwala rozwinąć nam odpowiedzi.

Osobiście podobne "pobolewania" jednoznacznie wiążę z ekspozycją ucha na warunki pogodowe. Narażanie się na przeciągi i tak zwane "przewianie" jest częstą przyczyną dolegliwości ze strony uszu. Pani natomiast pisze o dolegliwościach przypominających te przy zmianach ciśnienia i również w dni gorące. Być może warto w pierwszej kolejności poprosić lekarza rodzinnego o sprawdzenie wyglądu błony bębenkowej i ocenę węzłów chłonnych?

Zuza (Anonymous, 89.64.88.) 4 years ago

Trochę sarkastyczna odpowiedź pani redaktor... Również mam podobny problem, chętnie się tym podzielę. 😎 Objawy nieco przypominają zmiany ciśnienia w uszach. Nawet przy pięknej, upalnej pogodzie. Stąd trafiłam na tego posta szukając rozwiązania.
Ale cieszę się, że znalazłam tak odkrywczą poradę, żeby założyć czapkę i szalik 🤣🤣🤣.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

Dziękujemy za podzielenie się z nami tą informacją, zastanawiam się jednak w czym możemy pomóc? Jeśli dolegliwości nie utrzymują się stale, to w pierwszej kolejności proszę zadbać o zatrzymujący ciepło - ale jednak dostosowany do temperatury - ubiór na dworze: czapkę lub przepaskę na uszy oraz szalik, szal lub chustkę na szyję.

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