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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

grzegorz (Anonymous, 81.190.224.) Warszawa 4 years ago

How long can you take Pramolan? How long does it work effectively? Is it addictive? Can withdrawal show any symptoms of addiction?

How long can you take Pramolan, how long does it work effectively, is it addictive? I have been treating it for several years and I would like to replace it with another drug. Can withdrawal show any symptoms of addiction?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

The recommended average period of treatment with Pramolan is 1-2 months, but due to the fact that it is a preparation issued with a doctor's prescription, the specialist decides how long the drug can be used and whether it shows proper effectiveness in eliminating symptoms in a given patient. The manufacturer does not provide information about addiction during its use, but clearly indicates that discontinuation of the drug should be done gradually by slowly reducing the dose, especially when the agent is used for a long time in high doses, as this may cause withdrawal symptoms, such as: anxiety, sweating, nausea, vomiting, sleep disorders. If you have any concerns or feel that the medicine is not working well enough, please talk honestly with your doctor. He will certainly propose the right solution for you. I submit materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja

U-22 (Anonymous, 188.146.34.) 3 years ago

Pramolan , przy długim stosowaniu, uzależnia . Brałam go około 10 lat. Próbowałam kilkakrotnie odstawić , lecz w nocy budziłam się z silnymi lekami , niepokojem , wręcz ogarniało mnie przerażenie tak ogromne, ze nie mogłam się opanować . Brałam 1 tabletkę na noc. Postanowiłam stopniowo zmniejszać dawkę : 3/4 tabletki przez miesiąc , 1/2 przez kolejny , 1/4 następnie , potem brałam polowe ostaniej dawki aż do okruchów. Po całkowitym odstawieniu przez 3 kolejne lata miałam 3-4 razy w miesiącu nieprzespane noce. W tej chwili 5 lat po odstawieniu czuje się uniezależniona od pramolanu. Wszystkim radzę zastanowić się nad braniem tego leku. Wbrew opiniom lekarzy , uważam, ze uzależnia i to w znacznym stopniu.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
