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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Bartek (Anonymous, 37.47.37.) Warszawa 4 years ago

Where do I get penis enlargement pills and is it safe?

Where he will get pills for penis enlargement and whether it is safe

59 answers, 8 subscribers

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

There are no drugs in pharmacies that allow you to enlarge the size of your penis.

In pharmacies, you can get drugs that support potency, i.e. make it easier to get an erection, penile erection and preparations that improve libido (sex drive) - here you can find products dedicated to men and products for women.

Means advertised on online auctions, such as penile enlargement pills or pumps, do not seem to be a safe and effective solution, so you should refrain from this type of practice for safety.

If you are not satisfied with your sex life or a psychologist, e.g. here:


If you notice a problem with maintaining an erection, it is worth consulting a urologist. Over-the-counter medications based on sildenafil or tadalafil can help.

I am attaching links to websites where you can compare the prices of this type of drugs in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:





You can read more about how these types of measures work in our articles:




If you notice a problem of low libido in yourself, you can use supplements available in the pharmacy, e.g.



In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


There are also preparations for women, which you can read about here:



Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

W aptekach może Pan otrzymać leki wspomagające potencję, czyli ułatwiające uzyskanie stanu erekcji, wzwodu prącia. Nie ma jednak leków, które powodowałyby zwiększenie rozmiarów penisa ponad jego fizjologiczne rozmiary.

Wprawdzie na różnych stronach internetowych można znaleźć oferty obiecujące możliwość zwiększenia długości czy grubości prącia za pomocą tabletek czy specjalnych pompek. Doradzałabym jednak daleko idącą ostrożność w przypadku produktów, które oferują niewiarygodne efekty w zdumiewająco krótkim czasie, w cenie odbiegającej od przeciętnego kosztu za produkt ziołowy czy też prostej konstrukcji wyrób.

Stosowanie tego typu produktów może w mojej ocenie nie być bezpieczne. Załączam link do artykułu, w którym może przeczytać Pan, jakiego rodzaju niebezpieczeństwa wiążą się z zakupem produktów związanych ze zdrowiem poza aptekami:

Odpowiedź na bardzo podobne pytanie, dotyczące możliwości powiększenia penisa może Pan znaleźć w poniższym wątku: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/5205/sildenafil-lek-na-powiekszenie-czlonka

Załączam linki do artykułów na temat zdrowia seksualnego, być może będą przydatne: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/leki-na-potencje https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/stosowanie-lekow-a-seks

Macejtracz (Anonymous, 37.235.48.) 4 months ago

brałem. The Best AAAA. Efekt BURZA !!!

piter (Anonymous, 77.253.121.) 5 months ago

I recommend a pill called Maxorman. Little advertised, but can be found on the internet. In my opinion, they are much better than those offered in numerous online drugstores.

czest (Anonymous, 176.67.87.) 6 months ago

For about 3 months. There are certainly two factors that play a role here: Firstly, the regularity of taking the pills. Secondly, patience. Penilarge will work, but there is no hope that the effect will be after a month. You need to take them for at least 2-3 months.

george (Anonymous, 94.46.220.) 6 months ago

How long do you have to take the pills for a good effect?

czest (Anonymous, 94.46.220.) 6 months ago

I take it that this is about penis enlargement? I don't know if hormonal treatment will do much here. I recommend more to try penis enlargement with L-arginine tablets. Penilarge for example.

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ndst (Anonymous, 69.16.147.) 7 months ago

Yes, this is specifically the remedy. It's not cheap, but these types of measures are generally not cheap. They go through a sieve of various studies that exclude health harmfulness. You just have to prove that the drug is not harmful - and this is a time-consuming and expensive test.

Kordian (Anonymous, 103.84.173.) 11 months ago

I managed to enlarge my penis by 2.4 cm in 3 months and thicken it to my eye. It looks better in briefs at the pool than before. I recommend this treatment. I'm just wondering how long this will last, for now it's ok. Does anyone still have experience with this product?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Chętny: Over-the-counter potency drugs are available in packs of up to 8 tablets: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/92766/inventum-tabletki-do-ssania-gryzienia-zucia/apteki?pvid=259370 If problems with potency persist, it is worth visiting a urologist - if necessary, he will prescribe prescription drugs in larger packages.

Chętny  (Anonymous, 46.205.140.) 13 months ago

Good morning I have a question whether I get any replacement pills in larger quantities as inventrum inventrum works well but is little in mastery.czy can you advise something.thank you.

Skapiec (Anonymous, 94.254.180.) 14 months ago


elewicki (Anonymous, 85.128.103.) 14 months ago

Penis Complete. Full 4 months of treatment. The first month of zero effects but I did not set myself up for it because others also wrote,that the effects are not immediately there. But from the second month I saw that the erections were much larger, more frequent and the penis gradually increased (at the beginning only in erection, then also at rest).

nostromo (Anonymous, 85.128.103.) 14 months ago

What were you taking?

Elewicki (Anonymous, 46.29.20.) 14 months ago

Yes, and the magnification was;. 3 cm Not like in the advertisement, but it was and that's the most important thing. And I admit that I was also skeptical about the whole topic. However, I thought I would give it a try. At most, I'll lose money, but at least I'll be sure.

Chętny  (Anonymous, 46.205.141.) 14 months ago

What pills are best for faster erection and excitement goes for men

nostromo (Anonymous, 128.204.218.) 14 months ago

Just out of curiosity. Sam took that you can write, that work?

elewicki (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 14 months ago

Where does this information come from that the tablets do not cause enlargement? If there are so many of them on the market and someone buys them, the effects are there. Just read the information about what they write on the web.

Pisu (Anonymous, 46.205.195.) 16 months ago

What's best and safe

HubertUrb (Anonymous, 144.172.118.) 16 months ago

from my experience, the best penis enlargement pills are those from the USA like NeoSize XXL and Maxorman, which you can also buy in Poland. I tried different and only these gave results. For other produced in Poland or sold on Allego it is a waste of money so I think

maglan (Anonymous, 178.255.42.) 18 months ago

Tablets worthy of their price. They're not cheap, but I've tried many other cheaper remedies, but none of them had the same effect as these. It's just that you do not have to break down with the lack of effects at the beginning but take pills for 3 months of treatment (and it's a minimum).

melwin (Anonymous, 46.242.137.) 18 months ago

I will tell you that Penilarge is the top pills for penis enlargement, and they are not more expensive than other enlargement pills. In short, it's worth it

maglan (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 18 months ago

They helped me to significantly enlarge my nature. I was a little afraid that they will not work because I am slightly overweight and on one forum about enlargement I read,that overweight may not be the effect but the guys told me to try. I took regularly, the penis has grown a lot so I'm finally satisfied with the action. Of course, you need a little patience, but the effect is there.

Melwin (Anonymous, 37.28.153.) 19 months ago

Penilarge. In my opinion, the best. Expensive but the only pills I took and after which I saw the effect of magnification.

Paweł  (Anonymous, 5.173.140.) 1 year ago

Where can you buy penis enlargement pills and is it safe and effective

Jacek 666 (Anonymous, 5.173.56.) 2 years ago

No, it's not safe! I took various super inventions after which I came out with bad tests on the liver. But I have my own way to thicken and lengthen by 3 cm Remedies for erections type (mensil, penigra etc.) before sex, sex 3 x a week to this reaction pump once a week to stretch the precia ...

Teodor (Anonymous, 89.151.35.) 2 years ago

By taking this drug I have a big problem - my penis has thickened terribly and lengthened terribly. Unfortunately, the ladies when they see him run away. What to do? Help please

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Chętny: A drug with sildenafil may be effective for erection problems. It should be noted that this medicine should not be used by patients m.in with heart and liver disease, people under 18 years of age or with low blood pressure. In the pharmacy, preparations with sildenafil can be purchased without a prescription - in stationary pharmacies or on-line (also with shipping), e.g. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/93531/maxigra-go-tabletki-powlekane/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/101014/maxon-forte-tabletki-powlekane/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/95430/mensil-tabletki-do-rozgryzania-i-zucia/apteki More examples can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/sildenafil https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-potencje

Chętny  (Anonymous, 31.0.123.) 2 years ago

Good morning, I have a question what pills are best for erection and desire for sex. I mean that there was a good reaction to the member.thank you.

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Smutny  (Anonymous, 31.0.123.) 2 years ago

Good morning, I have a question I feel that I feel like excited by women who have a larger bust as I see a woman I imagine what kind of bust she has but there is a problem because there is no such reaction to the penis does not get hard or some I will get pills to make it stiff.thank you.

Jaromir (Anonymous, 85.221.131.) 2 years ago

Proponuje sprawdzić czy powodem szybkiego wytrysku nie jest problem zdrowotny, niedobory makro i mikroelementów itd. Są też różne preparaty poprawiające erekcję czy opóźniające wytrysk. Z takich z naturalnym składem, to ja mając ten sam problem, brałem Ereko. I mi bardzo pomogło

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Robert:
Warto skonsultować się z lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu - lekarzem rodzinnym. Jeśli uzna za zasadne, skieruje Pana do urologa - specjalista zleci dalsze badania.

Robert  (Anonymous, 188.146.242.) 2 years ago

I do jakiego lekarza najlepiej się udać

Robert  (Anonymous, 188.146.242.) 2 years ago

I w czym będzie problem że bardzo szybko dochodzę

Robert  (Anonymous, 188.146.242.) 2 years ago

Mam takie wrażenie że mój penis robi się coraz mniejszy i co to może być za przyczyna

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Roberto:

W aptekach może Pan otrzymać leki wspomagające potencję, czyli ułatwiające uzyskanie stanu erekcji, wzwodu prącia. Nie ma jednak leków, które powodowałyby zwiększenie rozmiarów penisa ponad jego fizjologiczne rozmiary.

Roberto (Anonymous, 31.0.67.) 2 years ago

Mam 57lat i hcialbym sobie powiększyć penisa i jakie środki mogę używać

Roberto (Anonymous, 31.0.67.) 2 years ago

Mam 57 lat i hcialbym powiększyć penisa jakie tabletki pani mi poradzi

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Do @Smutny: tak, są dostępne leki zawierające sildenafil bez recepty jak i na receptę:


Jak już Panu napisałam - w przypadku zakupu bez recepty, jeśli nie chce Pan wbrew mojej sugestii kontaktować się z lekarzem, o wyborze produktu, jak i dawki powinien zdecydować wywiad farmaceutyczny. Zakup "w większych ilościach", jeśli nigdy nie stosował Pan tego leku nie jest moim zdaniem uzasadniony, jednak ostateczna decyzja należy do Pana.

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User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
