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Janina (Anonymous, 5.172.232.) Polska 6 years ago

Has Gynodian Depot been discontinued?

Good morning. I come back to the question . Is it true that Gynodian was withdrawn from production due to the high risk of cancer? I read the leaflet and I know that every drug has side effects, including gynodian. but my question is whether that's why it was discontinued.

35 answers, 3 subscribers

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Paulina (Anonymous, 37.47.144.) 7 months ago

Margaret, it's true gynodian saved my life, now I'm vegetating, I feel terrible. What have they done to us.!!

Margaret (Anonymous, 83.8.110.) 10 months ago

Now I have patches but Gynodian was not replaced. Lack of medicine is a disaster.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.186.) 2 years ago

Girls or something helps you after the withdrawal of gynodianu? I'm broken I feel bad I got from the doctor lenzetto but I feel bad and I have already gained 11 kg. 😭😭😭

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.189.) 2 years ago

The best thing is that they write that the ministry did not extend the contract and Bayer did not apply for an extension., 😪

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.189.) 2 years ago

Nothing helps. I have saved lenzetto but unfortunately this is not it. I feel terrible. God why did they do this to us? 😭😭😭

Idia (Anonymous, 217.98.245.) 2 years ago

For me, a life-saving drug. Does anything help you a little instead of these injections? I die without them..

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

Hi maybe someone has the drug Gynodian depot and he is in arrears. He needs it very much. This drug saves my life.

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Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

Maybe if more women wrote to them. I no longer know what to do with this hopelessness. 😭😭😭

Urszula (Anonymous, 83.24.89.) 2 years ago

Paula, I'm the same.... Vegetation. However, I still hope that the drug will return to pharmacies.

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Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

Not Sylvia... It is not produced for the whole world. We have been condemned to vegetation. I feel terrible without this drug.

Sylwia  (Anonymous, 81.95.192.) 2 years ago

Good morning, Has anyone managed to find the drug gynodia depot in Poland or abroad?

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

I also can not imagine Iska write to me. paulina.777@interia.pl. Because it does not give advice

Iska (Anonymous, 178.218.226.) 2 years ago

I took Gynodian depot for 14 years, without it it is so hard to live 😓. Nothing works, feels terrible is already 6 months without an injection. I can't imagine continuing to function.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

God why they did this to us on anything else does not feel good. A drug that has no substitute from so is withdrawn. I don't understand this 😭

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Paula: It is not possible to clearly determine the release of the drug by specific days after administration. Estradiol is completely absorbed and the maximum concentration is reached between 3 and 5 days after administration. Prasterone, on the other hand, is completely absorbed 30 days after administration. The maximum concentration reaches 1 to 4 days after administration.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

I know how much it is in gynodian because he writes. I mean how I had a recommendation every 3 weeks is how much it came out for a day because I do not understand it very much. I'm going through hell now nothing works like Gynodian. 😭

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Paula: In the standard use of Gynodian Depot, it was recommended to administer 1 ml of the preparation every 4 weeks. However, in 1 ml of the drug there was 200 mg of prasterone enanthate and 4 mg of estradiol valerate. Other use of the drug may have been recommended by your doctor for a particular patient based on your medical history.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

Can someone explain to me how much there was anything a day. I took an injection every 3 weeks. Only he made me feel ok.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.185.) 2 years ago

Krysia I have the same. He can't do it anymore. And what are you taking now? My health fell apart. I can't believe that we were arranged that way.

Krysia  (Anonymous, 37.248.208.) 2 years ago

I also took Gynodian and felt very good, now nothing works so well. I feel bad.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.47.178.) 2 years ago

I even wrote to the ministry that they were not responsible for the fact that Bayer did not come up with the application. They have it in their nose and my life has started to resemble vegetation. There is no substitute for the drug Gynodian and nothing works like it. I used it for 10 years and I was satisfied and now it is a pity of words that my health is falling apart.

Barbara (Anonymous, 79.186.96.) 2 years ago

@ Ewa Pilch There is no effective replacement for Gynodian. In the UK it is but not in Poland. In Poland, women are condemned to vegetation on low doses of peeling off patches. Please try to vegetate like this.

Barbara (Anonymous, 79.186.96.) 2 years ago

But where? The manufacturer and the Ministry have the fate of women in their noses.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.248.152.) 2 years ago

Women may write a complaint about gynodian somewhere. I'm not doing it anymore so my health sprinkled.

Barbara (Anonymous, 79.186.104.) 2 years ago

"The price of a subcutaneous implant with goserelinum for patients with prostate cancer has decreased by over PLN 121." but for women there is not even a fully paid drug

ania (Anonymous, 89.228.199.) 2 years ago

Gynodian depot jest niedostępny nie tylko w Polsce. Sprawdziłam w zeszłym tygodniu w aptekach i hurtowniach w Austrii, Niemczech, Czechach, na Słowacji - nie ma.

Paula (Anonymous, 5.172.238.) 2 years ago

To jest skandal...nie mogę uwierzyc że na wegetacje skazała mnie firma produkująca lek 😥 Oddajcie nam chorym kobietą możliwość funkcjonowania.!!!!

Hanka (Anonymous, 79.186.99.) 2 years ago

Skandalem jest to, że kobiety nie mają szansy na normalne funkcjonowanie bo po usunięciu narządów nie ma dla nich leków, a w Polsce jedyne na co jest parcie lekarzy to usuwanie narządów!

Hanka (Anonymous, 79.186.99.) 2 years ago

do Agniecha: w Austrii tez go nie ma!

Agniecha (Anonymous, 81.190.192.) 2 years ago

Lek Gynodian depot dalej jest produkowany ale niestety Polska (ministerstwo) nie przedłużyła umowy z producentem na import do polski. Można z receptą poprosić kogoś znajomego np. w Austrii i wykupić lek.

Paula (Anonymous, 31.0.127.) 2 years ago

Byłam u lekarza i nawet on potwierdzil że nie ma zamiennika leku i nasze samopoczucie się zmieni na gorsze. Inne są poprostu beznadziejne i nie pomagają. To jest skandal żeby lek który był tak dobry i nie ma zamiennika został sobie od tak wycofany!

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Paula:

Na dzień dzisiejszy lek Gynadian Depot nie posiada ważnego pozwolenia na dopuszczenie do obrotu. Zachęcam do konsultacji z lekarzem ginekologiem, który pomoże Pani dobrać odpowiednią farmakoterapię.

Paula (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Witam serdecznie. Jestem załamana z powodu wycofania leku Gynodian depot. Jest to jedyny lek który pozwalał na normalne funkcjonowanie po usunięciu narzadu rodnego. Jeśli są tu kobiety tak samo zdesperowane jak ja proszę się odezwać. W ilości siła.

Agnieszka Soroko Pharmacist

6 years ago

Dzień dobry

Właśnie otrzymałam wiadomość od producenta leku Gynodian Depot, że produkt powinien teraz stopniowo wracać do hurtowni farmaceutycznych, a co za tym idzie - do aptek.

Dostępność leku w Polsce można śledzić pod tym linkiem:

Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

Katarzyna Borkowska Pharmacist

6 years ago

Dzień dobry, nie ma takich informacji. W przypadku, gdy istnieją udokumentowane dowody na poważne zagrożenia leku dla zdrowia i życia pacjentów, leki są wycofywane w trybie pilnym z aptek. W przypadku leku Gynodian nic takiego nie miało miejsca, nie było też żadnych oficjalnych komunikatów na temat szkodliwości tego leku. Słusznie Pani zauważyła, że leki hormonalne, stosowane zarówno w antykoncepcji , jak i w leczeniu menopauzy mogą wywoływać skutki uboczne. Czasami, chociaż dość rzadko, mogą to być również zmiany nowotworowe. Zatem Gynodian nie różni się pod tym względem od innych leków stosowanych w leczeniu zaburzeń menopauzalnych. Zachęcam gorąco do przeczytania na naszym portalu artykułu HTZ - hormonalna terapia zastępcza w menopauzie. Mam nadzieję, że znajdzie tam Pani odpowiedzi na wiele pytań związanych z leczeniem hormonalnym zaburzeń menopauzy. W razie wątpliwości proszę pytać. Postaramy się pomóc.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

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