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Bronislawa (Anonymous, 79.185.227.) Polska 4 years ago

Can abdominal pain and bloating and a lack of menstruation indicate pregnancy?

Menstruation comes to me 3 days with my husband I lived on harvest days ... I did a test today came out negative ... I have a swath ... I have as if gases ... and my belly is soured... I also had some stress ... can I be pregnant?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Gastrointestinal disorders, amenorrhea, mood swings, sleep disorders can be early signs of pregnancy.

To confirm or rule out pregnancy, a pregnancy test is recommended.

I've included links to websites where you can compare the prices of sample pregnancy tests in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:




In order to obtain a reliable result, a pregnancy test should be performed from morning urine (the urine is then most concentrated) no earlier than 10-14 days after the last unprotected intercourse.

If you get a positive result, I encourage you to consult a gynaecologist to confirm your pregnancy. Also, if you get a negative result and there is no menstrual bleeding, I encourage you to consult a gynaecologist, e.g. here:


In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that you may find useful:


Karoo (Anonymous, 88.199.172.) 10 hours ago

Hello :) I slept with my partner two days before ovulation and 2 times until the end, so to speak:)
A few days later my lower abdomen hurt for 3 days. Any idea what it could be.? Pregnancy.? In general, I wait for my period with two days left. I will add that no symptoms of the upcoming menstruation, no breast pain, stomach pain, anything as I usually have.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 days ago

Up to @Anonim:

There are many potential causes of menstrual disorders: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-zaburzenia-miesiaczkowania

Late menstruation does not have to be a cause for concern - it can result from factors such as excessive stress or a change in diet and increased physical activity.

Anonim  (Anonymous, 185.198.0.) 18 days ago

Hello, I'm 14 years old, my period is 13 days late, I've never lived a lifetime. I've had diarrhea for 14 days, what to do, does it affect late menstruation???

bozeswietycud (Anonymous, 217.96.190.) 5 months ago

Good morning, I had intercourse a few days ago, now I feel pain in my lower abdomen, but it was intermittent but unprotected, and very short, without ejaculation. Is there a chance that I will be pregnant?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @Martyna:

To rule out pregnancy, a pregnancy test should be performed, such as:

On our portal, after adding a product to the cart, you can compare its prices in online pharmacies and place an order with home delivery or pickup at the pharmacy. In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/koszyk/szybka-dostawa?src=zf

Martyna (Anonymous, 195.136.19.) 6 months ago

Hello , I am 7.5 weeks after natural childbirth, I feed mixing , now I have a lactation crisis for 4 days I have lower abdominal pain and pain at the bottom of my back, sometimes nausea once I made love to my husband unprotected, intercourse interrupted, could this be another pregnancy ??

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @Tesa:
If the question is about testing the level of beta HCG in the blood - the result will be reliable after 10 days after intercourse.

Tesa (Anonymous, 77.25.17.) 6 months ago

Hello. The current period is 5 days late, I should get 01.01 of this month, three days before the due date I got back pains, vomiting, what I would not eat in my throat happened .. Yes it lasted 2 days, I have constipation but also bloating, I'm on clomofin current 3 cycle so my days should appear punctually as in recent months. Currently I still have menstrual pains with ovarian prickling, someone has some golden advice. Negative test, how long do I have to wait to go for the test

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Wiktoria:

If the tests show a negative result, then you are not pregnant.

I'm attaching a helpful article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-zaburzenia-miesiaczkowania

Wiktoria (Anonymous, 164.127.226.) 7 months ago

I'm 11 days late for my period, I did 3 pregnancy tests, they were all negative, hypothyroidism, my belly is enlarged and I have sleep problems and I still want sweet, can I be pregnant?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Pytanie:

If the pregnancy tests were negative, you can rule out pregnancy.

Pytanie (Anonymous, 31.183.37.) 8 months ago

Good morning, my period is a month late, at the end of September I stopped taking hormonal contraception, I was also in the hospital because of pain in the lower left corner of my abdomen, I was given antibiotics there intravenously, I did 2 tests, both came out negative, I always had irregular periods, it happened that I was late, a month or two, I eat normally, the ultrasound also came out good, intercourse happened that we started unprotected, but then I took the pill the day after, even though I did not ejaculate, or Can I be pregnant?

Misia (Anonymous, 37.30.123.) 14 months ago

I have a question a month ago I had a normal menstruation, only that before that there was ejaculation before early, and yesterday I had to get menstruation and so far I do not have

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Tinek184: Usually, pregnancy symptoms are not felt until a few (4-6) weeks after conception, so it is too early for the symptoms to be felt due to pregnancy. Confirmation of the absence of pregnancy can be a pregnancy test performed after approx. 10-14 days after intercourse: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97388/domowe-laboratorium-pink-test-ciazowy-strumieniowy-super-czuly-test/apteki

Tinek184  (Anonymous, 5.173.158.) 15 months ago

Hello. I am 4.5 msc after childbirth. I don't breastfeed My last period was on March 24. I had sex with my husband 9 days ago he finished a little in me but these were not fertile days, from Wednesday I have diarrhea, yesterday I vomited at night and today I still have diarrhea and I am not well. Could it be pregnancy or could I be late because of diarrhea? I should have my period yesterday

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

To @wikd: Pregnancy tests performed after this time should give reliable results, but to be sure, you can repeat the morning urine test or go for a beta-hCG blood test. After excluding pregnancy, in order to determine the cause of delayed menstruation, you should go for examination to a gynecologist. Through our portal you can also use teleconsultation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

wikd (Anonymous, 77.254.144.) 18 months ago

on one of the fertile days I made love to my boyfriend but he did not come to me (I know that intercourse is not contraception !!!!) it was 3 weeks ago and my period is a week late .... wczroaj I did 2 tests-both came out negative but I feel that something is wrong and the tests came out negative maybe because I did not do their request after getting up that they were maybe too diluted because I drank a lot of water or there tea? and should I do the test in the morning? I do not know why this is so and why I am late the period always before the period hurt my back and now there is nothing hurts I feel great and my period was always regular and not late is it pregnancy ? or maybe something else? I feel pain on the left side of the abdomen at the bottom and I have a severe cystitis

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @NIKOLA: The cause of late menstruation can be various factors, such as, m.in, excessive stress, intense physical exertion, excessive weight loss or the use of certain medications (e.g. antidepressants, hypnotics, used to treat hypertension, glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics). I encourage you to read the article about menstrual disorders: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-zaburzenia-miesiaczkowania

NIKOLA (Anonymous, 217.100.36.) 1 year ago

Good morning The last intercourse I had was on 26.08. These were not fertile days In September and October I had a normal period. I'm currently 12 days late. I also have a slight one in my left lower abdomen, what could be the reasons for this?

jfotograf14@gmail.com (Anonymous, 94.101.18.) 1 year ago

good morning, my lower abdomen hurts for 3 days and I have a bloated stomach and 2 weeks ago I had intercourse with my boyfriend was in a condom or can I be in the pregnancy?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Ulas: Yes, your results certainly preclude pregnancy.

Ulas (Anonymous, 193.0.101.) 1 year ago

Good morning, the last time I had sex was 21.09- 6 weeks ago. I did betahcg with blood 3 weeks after the result

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Anonimowe: If the tests were done correctly and with an interval of about 14 days from the last intercourse, then you are not pregnant.

Anonimowe  (Anonymous, 178.43.64.) 1 year ago

Good morning period late I'm already 14 days I did 3 pregnancy tests and they are all negative. I also had stress, can I be pregnant?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

For @Ada: If you get a negative pregnancy test on the day of the expected menstruation, the probability of pregnancy is small. For confirmation, however, it is worth repeating the test in a few days: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

Ada  (Anonymous, 5.173.136.) 1 year ago

Good morning, I had menstruation on 19.08., with a 25-day cycle theoretically menstruation should appear on 13.09. I had sex with a boy on fertile days. I still do not have menstruation, I have nausea in the afternoons, eating does not give me pleasure, I have the impression of a bloated stomach but I have also been accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen for 3 days. I did the test on the day of the planned month, i.e. 13.09 from the afternoon urine, but the result came out negative. Is there a chance that I am pregnant despite a negative result? I will mention that I am being treated for Hashimoto's.

Ada  (Anonymous, 5.173.136.) 1 year ago

Good morning, I had menstruation on 19.08., with a 25-day cycle theoretically menstruation should appear on 13.09. I had sex with a boy on fertile days. I still do not have menstruation, I have nausea in the afternoons, eating does not give me pleasure, I have the impression of a bloated stomach but I have also been accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen for 3 days. I did the test on the day of the planned month, i.e. 13.09 from the afternoon urine, but the result came out negative. Is there a chance that I am pregnant despite a negative result? I will mention that I am being treated for Hashimoto's.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Klaudia: Your description, including negative results of pregnancy tests (which are reliable after such time after intercourse) indicates that you are not pregnant.

Klaudia (Anonymous, 94.254.235.) 1 year ago

Hi I have a problem because on July 3 I had a period and on July 10 I had intercourse without protection and it was not my partner because it was such casual sex but he told me that he had a vasectomy and does not have to have a condom and I do not protect myself in any way so there was no protection and we did it three times and each time he came quite inside but he said that it is after vasectomy I was sure that pregnancy does not threaten me but then I started to worry that he could lie and especially that since on July 3 I had a period I should get a period on August 3 and I got but August 1 only the worst that I'm not sure if this is a period because always as I have a period is not somehow very abundant I have but always a little abundant I have and always but it's always my period lasts a few days and now it has started in Mon and it is Wednesday today and I have almost nothing period so it lasted three days and for this was so stingy was this period with was completely different from all my periods so I am so afraid that I got pregnant I bought a pregnancy test and today I did one but nw or test could already detect pregnancy because since the intercourse was practiced on July 3 and it is August 3 or almost a month ago it is like I counted it would probably be the second week of pregnancy if I counted it well NW or already so early you can detect pregnancy but I also have a second test because today I did not do in the morning as I got up only a few hours after getting up and tomorrow morning I will do a test in the morning and see what result will come out because today I had a negative result but I also signed up for a blood test to see what the blood test will tell me but the worst of the I have a blood test only in a few days and you still have to wait for the results of the nw as I can withstand enough to know if I am pregnant because now every day I worry so much and stress whether I got pregnant and until I get the results of blood tests is nw how I will endure so much time with this stress and worry and wgl. And what is strange is also a few days after intercourse or somehow in mid-July I started to have itching and burning and pain of the whole vagina and also vaginal discharge were only without smell but with a strange consistency as if cheesey that it was not mucus only such strange vaginal discharge and lips I had reddened but it is probably because I still had to scratch because I could not stand anymore and immediately after that on the anus also I started so with there I had to itch and burning and pain but I started to use chamomile and sage with I started to rub chamomile and sage in these places and for a few days I passed and immediately after that these symptoms came back again a little as if less bothersome is two, I put my vaginal capsules invag into the vagina and so twice a night I put and the next day I got this period I stopped using these pills and now I think so if it is all I wrote is can someone help me and tell me if there is a chance that I got pregnant? because to be honest I'm not ready for pregnancy and I hope that everything I wrote does not mean that I'm pregnant but I'm writing here to you because I want someone to tell me what someone else thinks about it and wgl

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Zelek2115: For now, there is no indication of pregnancy. Various factors, such as stress, can contribute to menstrual disorders, including delayed menstruation. I am attaching a helpful article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-zaburzenia-miesiaczkowania

Zelek2115 (Anonymous, 37.248.220.) 2 years ago

Hello, the last menstruation I had was 16.05 and it lasted 5 days. After this time, I made love to my boyfriend on non-fertile days with security and the boy managed to leave. My menstruation is late for the 7th day. 2 tests done, each negative. I have no other symptoms. Could it be pregnancy?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Justi: With problems with urination and feces, I encourage you to consult a doctor.

Justi (Anonymous, 5.173.156.) 2 years ago

Hi I breastfeed 14 months I do not have menstruation I feel severe pain in the lower abdomen and spine in the lumbar region. I have a problem with the excretion of urine and as well as feces emphasize that I am after CC

Wnnn (Anonymous, 87.248.73.) 2 years ago

Hi I spuznia period of 3 days wpolzylam with my husband a month ago but then I got a noralnie period and now I did not wpolzylam with my husband because he is not in Poland and the test I did about came out negative besides I have terrible gases and appetite

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Anonim: In the event that menstruation does not occur in the coming days, I encourage you to take a pregnancy test after a minimum of 10-14 days from the last unprotected intercourse. You can read more about the pregnancy test and its choice in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic The occurrence of green vaginal discharge is not normal and should be consulted with a gynecologist if possible. I encourage you to read our article about intimate infections. The occurrence of infection can also cause a delay in menstruation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/infekcje-intymne-jak-sobie-poradzic

Anonim (Anonymous, 37.47.199.) 2 years ago

Hello. My menstruation is late for the 6th day. Unprotected intercourse last time more than a week ago. Cycles I have differently. Every 23 or every 27 days. I am very stinging with the ovary, after that normal physical fatigue and back muscle pain because it works physically. I currently have green vaginal discharge. Should I be concerned that I might be pregnant? Best regards

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

To @Karola and @Ema: we do not diagnose pregnancy online based on a description of the symptoms. The method of detecting pregnancy is a pregnancy test from the pharmacy or from the blood. Without proper examinations, no one will tell if there are pregnant ladies - at most, a gynecologist during an ultrasound examination.

Ema  (Anonymous, 213.134.179.) 2 years ago

Good morning I have a question if there is a possibility that I got pregnant. I am late for a period of 8 days, in 4, 6 and 8 I have done tests - all negative. I don't feel any pain in my lower abdomen or breasts. For a few days I have gases, and for two days the temperature has been elevated 37.4-37.7. I had sex with my partner twice, a few days before my period. I have cycles that differ every 2.3 days or so. I signed up for a beta-Hcg blood test, but I can't sit idle.

Karola (Anonymous, 31.0.77.) 2 years ago

Hello. A visit to the doctor is in two weeks but I have a question ... Is it a pregnancy if the symptoms are like that.. Lactic acid Breast enlargement 3x positive tests There was also a temperature of 37.5 and August wachala. Bol a little at the back. There were twice vomiting Period is no longer 3 months. From time to time the desire to eat and sometimes disgust and gag reflexes. I want to make sure because 2 weeks. It's a lot of waiting for the doctor to find out.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Please go to the doctor for examinations.

Wiki (Anonymous, 37.47.148.) 2 years ago

Hello, I am a mother of a one-year-old boy. I have been having problems with my period for 2 months. Namely, in January I was 7 days late now (February) already over a week, I did a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I do not know whether to wait and re-test or go to the doctor for tests.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you suspect that you may be pregnant, please take a pregnancy test: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic Its negative result should prompt you to perform an abdominal ultrasound. A referral for the examination may be written by a family doctor - in this case it will be free of charge. The test can also be performed for a fee - without a referral. The result please consult your family doctor.

Wiola (Anonymous, 89.151.39.) 2 years ago

This month I did not have menstruation I made love in January on fertile days very hurts my abdomen lower abdomen spine and around the navel I am a sick person I take medication permanently hurts me also around the ovaries I am afraid that it may be a cyst last year I had two on both ovaries what can it be? Help hopefully not pregnancy ....

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Kasia: Any unprotected intercourse can be associated with a risk of pregnancy due to the fact that before proper ejaculation, a so-called preejaculate is secreted, which may contain live sperm. It is believed that the risk of pregnancy in this case is small, but it cannot be described as "zero". Of course, the possibility of pregnancy is also determined by the phase of the woman's cycle. Removal of a member immediately before ejaculation is referred to as "intermittent intercourse". The risk of pregnancy is reduced, but it is not an effective method of contraception. It is believed that on average 10 – 35 regularly cohabiting women using this method within a year will become pregnant. Some sources say that it may be less with the so-called "ideal use". It is difficult to clearly indicate the risk after one intercourse. The pregnancy test is best done at least 14 days after intercourse. A negative result of the pregnancy test and the appearance of menstruation will indicate the absence of pregnancy.

Kasia (Anonymous, 94.254.225.) 2 years ago

Hello, my last menstruation 15.01.2022, I made love on a fertile day 29.01.2022 intermittent intercourse, partner managed to 100% before ejaculation, my cycles are 30 days, today I did a test with sensitivity 10, That is, I am 3 days before the period. What is the risk that I may be pregnant??? My stomach hurts a little, the bottom of my back and sometimes stings in the ovary. Please help.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Anonim.. 01: if the protection has not failed, then pregnancy is unlikely to occur. If you are concerned, please take a pregnancy test. Based on abdominal pain or the nature of vaginal discharge, it is difficult to reliably confirm or exclude pregnancy.

Anonim..01 (Anonymous, 212.106.161.) 2 years ago

Hi I had my last menstruation from 07.01 to 11.01 I had sex with the protection of the rubber did not break It did not slip and it was the thickest that could be after intercourse we checked if it did not crack and it was ok. My period is late for the 2nd day I have a swollen lower abdomen and no mucus is it possible that I am pregnant?

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Mania: the reason for the absence of bleeding with a negative result of the pregnancy test should be diagnosed by a gynecologist.

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