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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maria (Anonymous, 188.117.184.) Warszawa 24 hours ago

Can I stop taking Diuresin SR on my own due to low blood pressure and malaise?
9.99 zł
10.00 zł

Good morning. Can I stop taking Diuresin SR on my own? I take Cilan in the evening and Diuresin in the morning. I started taking Thyrozol 2x20 a month ago and I feel very bad: I have low blood pressure. Since my doctor is not there, I decided to stop taking Diuresin SR. For now, my blood pressure is also low - 110/64, heart rate 64, but I feel better.

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Maria (Anonymous, 188.117.184.) 23 hours ago

Thank you for your help. Best regards.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

24 hours ago

No, it is not recommended to stop taking Diuresin SR on your own, as discontinuing it without consultation may affect blood pressure control and overall health.

Symptoms such as low blood pressure may be associated with starting treatment with Thyrosol, which affects metabolism and circulation. It is worth consulting your doctor as soon as possible to discuss the need for dose adjustments or changes in your treatment.

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10.00 zł
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