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Patryk (Anonymous, 2a00:f41:3807:43cb::) Warszawa 1 day ago

Can you combine Estazolam and Pragiola?
19.00 zł

Having a problem with insomnia, I was prescribed Estazolam. I took a dose of 2mg together with Pragiola in the evening. Pragiola has already been prescribed for anxiety problems.
After 24 hours from taking the medication, I still feel a complete lack of emotions, indifference and problems with concentration. Should I be worried about this?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

22 hours ago

The symptoms described - lack of emotion, indifference and problems with concentration often occur at the beginning of therapy, when the body adapts to the medication, and usually disappear within a few days. However, if symptoms persist longer or worsen, it is recommended to consult a doctor to assess the need for dose adjustment or to consider alternative treatment. It is important not to ignore these symptoms, especially if they affect your quality of life and daily functioning.

Patryk (Anonymous, 2a00:f41:3807:43cb::) 1 day ago

I understand.
And is it possible that the described side effects are a permanent change or should they pass? If they are to pass, after what time?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

These symptoms may be the result of combining Estazolam and Pragiola.
The pregabalin in Pragiola increases the risk of side effects of Estazolam, resulting in dizziness, drowsiness, confusion and difficulty concentrating, m.in resulting from the increased effect of estazolam on the nervous system.

Consult your doctor. Your dose of Pragiola may need to be reduced.

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