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Agata215 (Anonymous, 91.225.11.) Warszawa 2 days ago

Can I be pregnant if I had sexual contact and my pregnancy tests were negative?
9.99 zł

Hello, my ex-partner cummed on my butt, I didn't feel like it flew into the vagina, I did it a week after this situation, i.e. on October 24, the test was negative, I also did it on October 21 and the result was also negative, I am supposed to have my period on October 28, can I be pregnant?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 hours ago

Yes, everything indicates that you are not pregnant.

Agata215 (Anonymous, 91.225.11.) 3 hours ago

The test on the planned day on which the menstruation is to take place, i.e. today done at 8:30 a.m., came out negative, can I rule out pregnancy?

Agata215 (Anonymous, 91.225.11.) 22 hours ago

The day before the first day of menstruation, i.e. today, 27/10/2024, I did a test and it came out negative, and I am supposed to have my period tomorrow, i.e. 28/10/2024, the result is reliable?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

23 hours ago

The test result means that you are not pregnant.

Agata215 (Anonymous, 91.225.11.) 1 day ago

I took a test today and it's also negative, what should I think about it?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Based on the contact described and the two negative pregnancy tests, the likelihood of pregnancy is low, especially if there has been no penetration. Pregnancy tests are most reliable at least a week after ovulation, and their results can be reliable before your period is expected. If your period does not appear on the expected date or if you have any worrying symptoms, it is worth taking an additional pregnancy test or consulting a doctor.

If you have doubts about this situation, it is always worth consulting a doctor who can provide more personalized advice. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


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