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Patryk (Anonymous, 2a00:f41:58cb:1a96::) Warszawa 2 days ago

Can I use the medication together Propranolol, Pragiola and Estazolam?
15.00 zł
10.00 zł

Good morning.
I was prescribed medications by a psychiatrist: Propranolol, Pragiola and Estazolam. Will it be safe to take all these drugs at once in the evening? This is what the doctor writing the prescription recommended.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Propranolol, Pragiola and Estazolam can only be used together if they have been prescribed by 1 doctor or the doctor knew about their use. Use the medication as directed by your doctor.

The combined use of Pragiola and Estazolam may increase the risk of side effects such m.in drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. The use of medication immediately before bedtime allows you to reduce the feeling of possible ailments.

Propranolol has no interaction with Pragiola and Estazolam.

We wrote about whether it is possible to combine drugs with each other in the article:


If you experience worrying symptoms, I encourage you to consult your doctor again. If necessary, you can use teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


Answer appreciated:
10.00 zł
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