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Sylwia (Anonymous, 83.30.120.) Warszawa 4 days ago

Does Artroflex with frankincense increase the negative symptoms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with Lenzetto?

Hello, I have a question about Lenzetto, I have HRT, in addition to the symptoms, I started osteoporosis, the rheumatologist suggested me Artroflex, with frankincense, apparently it can exacerbate the negative symptoms of HRT, is this true? my joints hurt and I also have to take something for them, thank you and best regards

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Artroflex, containing frankincense, is often used to relieve joint pain, but it can affect hormonal metabolism. Some sources suggest that frankincense may have anti-inflammatory effects, but there is no conclusive evidence that it exacerbates the negative symptoms of HRT.

It is important to discuss this with your doctor, who will assess whether the combination of these preparations is safe and appropriate in your case, and suggest possible alternatives for joint pain.

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