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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

MIKI 22 (Anonymous, 89.151.25.) Warszawa 5 days ago

Should you continue Heparegen with fatty liver and elevated liver tests, or maybe add Essentiale Forte?

I have been taking Heparegen for a month because there is fatty liver, liver tests are enlarged: ALT 66 and AST 46. Unfortunately, there is no improvement, and even a slight increase (by 3). All other "liver" blood results are normal, ultrasound (steatosis). I will see my doctor in a month (on vacation). I don't know whether to continue taking Heparegen or not. Or maybe also take Essentiale Forte for it. I try to follow a diet. Is this Heparegen a good drug at all?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Heparegen is used as an adjunct in the treatment of fatty liver, but the effects may only take longer to become apparent, especially with a concomitant low-fat diet and limiting alcohol intake.

Essentiale Forte can be additionally helpful because it contains phospholipids that support the regeneration of liver cells. It is worth continuing the treatment until the visit to the doctor, who will assess the effectiveness of the therapy and further steps, especially in the context of a slight increase in results.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:

The availability of Heparegen in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/34732/heparegen-tabletki/apteki

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