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Salamandrea (Anonymous, 37.47.92.) Warszawa 5 days ago

Can contraceptive pills stored for 3 days in a drawer under a ceramic hob lose their effectiveness?
9.99 zł

Good morning

My birth control pills were lying in a drawer under the ceramic hob for 3 days. During this time, I cooked a few times, but not on all the burners and rather not directly under the pills. I have a question, is there a chance that they are already to be thrown away? However, is the ingredient still active there, given that the temperature higher than 30 degrees was rather sporadic during these 3 days

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 days ago

Contraceptive pills should be stored below 30°C. If the temperature in the drawer has only been higher occasionally and not for a long time, the active ingredients are probably not damaged. Nevertheless, to be sure, you may consider consulting your doctor to make sure that the pills are still safe to use.

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