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Ola18 (Anonymous, 85.221.155.) Warszawa 6 hours ago

Can the result of a pregnancy test be interpreted 5 days after it has been taken?
9.99 zł

3 months after giving birth without a period but there were one-time spotting, 36 days after intercourse with protection a test was performed - negative and on the next day beta <1.2
Today, 5 days after the test, I wanted to throw it away because I forgot and looked at it again and noticed a pale second line .. What to think ? She doesn't want another pregnancy. I've been taking Vibin pills for 2 weeks because I mistakenly concluded that I'm going to get my period, I have 7 pink pills left

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

3 hours ago

The result of the pregnancy test should be evaluated over a specified period of time. Do not interpret the result after this time has elapsed, as chemical reactions may occur that cause confusing blackouts.

More about the tests and their execution:



The description of the situation indicates that she was not pregnant. "After 36 days from intercourse, the test result is already reliable with certainty. Incorrect initiation of hormonal contraception should be discussed with your gynaecologist (especially if you are using the drug after childbirth).

In case of any doubts, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation with a gynaecologist - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


Ola18 (Anonymous, 188.146.44.) 5 hours ago

Today the streaming test was negative.

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