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Zuza (Anonymous, 185.246.204.) Warszawa 8 days ago

Can Advanran ointment cause a sudden blood pressure spike?

Does Advanran ointment cause a sudden spike in blood pressure?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

Among the side effects of Advantan, it was not reported to cause a sudden spike in blood pressure. This drug comes in the form of an ointment, so side effects are observed, m.in. at the site of application. A distinction is made here, for example, inflammation of the hair follicles, burning, itching, pain or erythema at the injection site. It should be borne in mind that side effects may or may not occur in you.

The risk of systemic side effects increases if the drug is used on a large area of the body or for a long time, especially under an occlusive dressing. Systemic side effects of glucocorticoids include hypertension. However, the onset of systemic ailments is low, especially if the drug is used correctly, on a small area of the body, no longer than recommended by the doctor.

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