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Ewaa (Anonymous, 89.64.81.) Wilanów 1 day ago

Do I need to stop taking supplements such as ashwagandha or lion's mane mushroom before gastroscopy if they contain iron?
30.00 zł

Before gastroscopy, it is recommended to discontinue iron preparations for 7 days.
Does this also apply to supplements such as ashwagandha or lion's mane mane, whose extracts also contain iron in their compositions? Or is it just about taking typical iron tablets or another form?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Before gastroscopy, it is recommended to discontinue preparations containing iron, as it may affect the results of the examination, e.g. by causing discoloration of the gastric mucosa, which makes it difficult to accurately assess the lesions. This mainly applies to supplements or medicines containing iron in mineral form (e.g. iron sulphate), which are taken to make up for iron deficiencies.

Although ashwagandha or lion's mane extracts may contain traces of iron (in organic form), they are not the main source of this element and do not provide it in such quantities as strictly iron preparations.

The recommendation to discontinue iron preparations applies primarily to preparations containing significant doses of iron, which may actually affect the results of the test. Plant extracts, such as those from ashwagandha or lion's mane mushroom, usually do not contain enough iron to affect the course of gastroscopy. Similarly, it is not necessary to exclude iron from the diet (e.g. red meat, eggs, broccoli) before the test. Nevertheless, it is best to consult the doctor who will carry out the test.

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