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Olla (Anonymous, 83.24.48.) Warszawa 1 day ago

How to use the medication Berodual, Benodil, Levopront and Klabax? Are medications Berodual, Benodil, Levopront and Klabax affect the effectiveness of the drug Slinda?
16.00 zł

Good morning
The doctor recommended inhalation medications for cough and bronchitis: Berodual (2x1 ml), Benodil (3x20 drops), levopront syrup and the antibiotic Klabax (2x1). I wonder if there are time intervals between these drugs and inhalations and if these drugs can affect the effectiveness of the Slinda contraceptive pills?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

Berodual and Benodil should be used as directed by your doctor. There are two correct ways of inhalation:
1. Simultaneous inhalation with two preparations. 2. The first inhalation of Berodual combined with saline, and after about 15 minutes, the second inhalation of Benodil.

I attach an additional entry on a detailed description of how to perform inhalation:


Benodil is not dosed by drops, please check with your doctor's instructions. Each ampoule of Benodil contains 2 ml of solution.

There is no need to make special intervals between Levopront, Klabax and inhalations. Klabax should be administered at equal intervals (every 12 hours). When using an antibiotic, it is also worth implementing one of the probiotics available in online or stationary pharmacies. You can read about why it is worth using protective drugs in the article:


Scientific studies have not confirmed the negative effect of the antibiotic Klabax on the effectiveness of hormonal contraception. However, many experts believe that there are too few qualitative studies available to completely rule out the effect of antibiotics on the effectiveness of contraception. Therefore, it is often recommended to use an additional, barrier method of contraception (e.g. condoms) during antibiotic therapy and for 7 days after its completion. The Slinda package leaflet contains information about the possible effect of the antibiotic clarithromycin on the effectiveness and safety of hormonal contraception.

You can read more in the article:


The other medicines do not affect the effectiveness of the Slinda medicine you are taking.

I encourage you to read our article about cough treatment:


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