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Zdzisław  (Anonymous, 77.254.103.) Chobienia 10 days ago

Which is better medicine for liver contusions Timochep or Essential forte?

which medicine for wotrobe bruises timochep or essential forte

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

Both drugs, Tymochep and Essentiale Forte, are used to treat liver conditions, but they have different mechanisms of action.

Tymochep contains sodium thioctate (alpha-lipoic acid), which is an antioxidant that supports liver cell regeneration and protection against oxidative stress. It is recommended for liver diseases associated with toxic damage, e.g. caused by alcohol or drugs.


Essentiale Forte contains phospholipids that help regenerate liver cell membranes and improve liver metabolic functions. It is often used in conditions of liver damage, such as steatosis, toxic damage, or hepatitis.


In the case of liver contusion, both medications can be helpful, but Essentiale Forte is more often recommended to support liver regeneration in damage caused by steatosis, alcohol or toxins. However, the final choice of the drug should be consulted with a doctor, who will assess the condition of the liver and select the appropriate therapy.

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