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Oliwia (Anonymous, 31.0.183.) Polska 11 days ago

If Ryaltris and Eztom didn't work, can I take Beclonasal Aqua?
9.99 zł

Good morning. I wanted to ask if if I took Ryaltris and Eztom nasal spray and it didn't help, if I take Beclonasal Aqua afterwards, it won't be too much steroid? If those drugs were also steroids?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

11 days ago

There are no contraindications to taking Beclonasal Aqua after therapy with other steroids.

Beclonasal has primarily a local effect:

"After intranasal administration, less than 1% of the dose is absorbed through the nasal mucosa. The residual drug, after removal from the nose by outflow or mucociliary transport, may be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract."

Therefore, there is no risk of overdose or the appearance of any serious side effects in this case due to chronic steroid therapy.

According to the manufacturer:
"Do not continue treatment for more than 3 weeks unless there is significant symptom relief."

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