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Onaona (Anonymous, 37.47.216.) Warszawa 3 days ago

Can I have sex while taking Fluomizin?

Hello, can you have intercourse while using fluomizin?
Before starting to take the drug, I did not have any strong symptoms of infection, sometimes slight itching and vaginal discharge without any smell. If we protect ourselves with a condom with our partner, can we have intercourse without fear?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

23 hours ago

The use of vaginal medications is an indication to refrain from sexual activity due to, m.in among other things, the risk of transmission of infection to the partner, irritation of the genital tract, dissemination of infection and violation of the vaginal mucosa. A negative effect of the active substances contained in the drug on the durability of the condom is also not excluded, which is why such a combination is not recommended. After treatment, it is worth using gynaecological probiotics, which strengthen the protective barrier of the genital tract and reduce the risk of recurrence of the infection. Examples of preparations:



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