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Tomas (Anonymous, 37.225.94.) Podkarpackie 6 hours ago

Can side effects occur 8 days after increasing the dose of duloxetine?
15.00 zł

From 1.5 years of taking duloxtetin 60mg for anxiety disorders the doctor recommended me to increase the dose to 90mg, when I entered 60mg I had no side effects, now on the 8th day there were effects such as headache, dizziness, blood pressure jumps, tingling and numbness of the feet, increased sweating increased twice and nightmares and chest pains or in such a short period of taking the dose of 90mg side effects could already appear

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 hours ago

To @Tomas:

After discontinuation of duloxetine (90 mg), the duration of withdrawal symptoms depends on several factors, such as the duration of use, the body's individual response, the speed of metabolism, and the mode of withdrawal (abrupt or gradual). Duloxetine has a half-life of about 12 hours, which means that after this time, half of the dose is eliminated from the body.

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Tomas (Anonymous, 37.225.94.) 5 hours ago

When I stop taking the 90mg dose, how many days will these effects persist?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 hours ago

Yes, it is possible. Usually, side effects appear in the first days after increasing the dose.

Tomas (Anonymous, 37.225.94.) 5 hours ago

So is it possible that the effects have appeared in such a short time?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 hours ago

According to the Safety Data Sheet, increasing the dose of Dulsevia (or another medicine with duloxetine) may cause a decrease in well-being and worsening of the symptoms of the underlying disease for several days. It is typical that side effects appear shortly after increasing the dose of the drug, but in the vast majority of cases they disappear after 2-4 weeks from increasing the dose of the drug.

Side effects should be reported to the doctor at the next visit.
We write about why adverse drug reactions should be reported here:


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