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Monika (Anonymous, 91.94.0.) Szczecin 24 hours ago

Can I give a dose of 5 mg from a pen Mounjaro Kwikpen 15 mg?
9.99 zł

Split into doses, when taking 5 mg.
If I buy: Mounjaro KwikPen, injection, 15 mg, 3 pens of 2.4 ml pre-filled (1) This means that I have 3 kwik pens and there is 15mg in each. 1. Can I divide one kwik pen into 3 doses of 5 mg? (is it physically possible, as in Ozempik) If so, it means that I have a total of 9 doses of the drug of 5mg. Do I understand correctly?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

23 hours ago

The Mounjaro Kwikpen 15mg multidose pen (2.4 ml pen) contains 4 15 mg servings. The manufacturer does not provide for the possibility of administering a dose of the drug other than 15 mg due to the fact that there is only one number in the pen window - it is "1" - indicating the full dose. In addition, the pen used should be disposed of 30 days after the first administration and any remaining medicine should be disposed of in accordance with current regulations. Any other procedure is inconsistent with the manufacturer's recommendations and does not ensure the certainty of administering the appropriate dose of the drug. If your doctor has suggested such a solution, he or she should also train you and inform you about the risks associated with dividing doses and storing the preparation beyond the specified date of opening the pen.

To sum up, buying 3 pens of Mounjaro Kwikpen 15 mg with a capacity of 2.4 ml means that you have 12 servings of the drug at a dose of 15 mg.

If you need to take a dose of 5 mg, you should purchase the exact dose of Mounjaro Kwikpen. I have attached a link to check the availability of the drug and make a reservation at the pharmacy of your choice:


A dose of 5 mg is available in about 20% of pharmacies integrated with the Gdziepolek.pl portal. Each multidose pen contains 4 equal doses.

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