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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Nicole  (Anonymous, 188.33.224.) Warszawa 13 days ago

I observe excessive agitation/tremors, elevated pulse, sleep problems and headache after starting Parogen treatment - will it go away?
10.00 zł

Hello, for 5 days I have been taking Parogen in a dose of 10mg (half a tablet).
I have observed symptoms such as excessive agitation/tremors, increased pulse, headaches, sleep and appetite problems. Will these side effects pass and should I be worried?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

13 days ago

Psychomotor anxiety may appear at the beginning of treatment with antidepressants:

"Paroxetine developed akathisia, which is characterized by a feeling of anxiety and psychomotor agitation, such as the inability to sit or stand still, usually associated with subjective discomfort. The likelihood of this is highest during the first few weeks of treatment."

Symptoms such as sleep problems, headaches can also accompany the initial phase of treatment. Usually, after about 2 weeks, patients register an improvement in well-being and begin to notice the first effects of the treatment. If you still feel side effects of the drug after 3 weeks, it is advisable to check with a psychiatrist.

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