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Patrycja (Anonymous, 37.225.92.) Warszawa 7 days ago

Does Latuda taken once a day in the form of 111mg have the same effect as in the same dose, but divided into three times a day?
9.99 zł

Does latuda taken once a day in the form of 111mg have the same effect as taken in the same dose but divided into three times a day?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The recommended dosage of Latuda is between 37 mg and 148 mg once a day.

Information contained in the summary of product characteristics:

"The recommended starting dose is 37 mg lurasidone once daily. No pre-adjustment of the dose is necessary. This product is effective in a dosage range of 37 to 148 mg once a day. The dose should be increased based on physician's judgment and observed clinical response. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 148 mg."

"Latuda film-coated tablets are used orally, once a day with a meal.
It is estimated that if the drug is taken without food, the exposure to lurasidone will be significantly lower than when taken with food. Latuda tablets should be swallowed whole to avoid a bitter taste. Latuda tablets should always be taken at the same time of day to help you follow your treatment regimen."

There is no information on other dosage. If the doctor has prescribed a different drug intake than indicated by the manufacturer, you should strictly follow the recommendations and discuss any doubts about the treatment directly during the visit. Your doctor may recommend a different dosage based on your clinical experience in managing specific medical cases.

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