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Pytająca  (Anonymous, 104.28.114.) Warszawa 4 days ago

Can a pregnancy test show a normal result 4 days after sex?
9.99 zł
10.00 zł

Is it possible for a very pale second line on a pregnancy test to come out 4 days after intercourse? Today I should be finishing my menstrual period, which I didn't get. I see a very pale line on the test, but it's there. And I don't know if it's a test error, or if it would actually catch anything so quickly?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

Due to the fact that different sources give different numbers of days after which you can do a blood test at the earliest (from 3 to 10), I would ask in a selected laboratory whether their facility performs tests at such an early stage, or whether you should wait a few more days.

Answer appreciated:
10.00 zł

Anonimowa (Anonymous, 172.225.187.) 4 days ago

And do you think I can do a blood test today? Is there a chance that a blood test will show pregnancy at such an early stage?

Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

"It is recommended to take a pregnancy test on the first day of the expected menstrual period. However, pregnancy tests of varying sensitivity are available in pharmacies. The sensitivity of the test means what the lowest concentration of hCG it is able to detect. Tests with a sensitivity of 10 mlU/ml, the so-called ultra-sensitive tests, detect pregnancy as early as two to three days (e.g. Pink Super Sensitive Test). However, it should be borne in mind that fertilization can occur even 3-5 days after intercourse, so the test should be performed no earlier than 6-10 days after intercourse. Tests with a sensitivity of 25 mlU/ml (e.g. Pre-Test) are also available, which should be performed no earlier than approx. 14 days after intercourse."
Depending on which test you used supersensitive or lower-sensitivity, you should interpret the result. Taking into account the above information, yes, it is possible for the pregnancy test to show a normal result 4 days after intercourse. To be sure of the test result, it is best to repeat it in the laboratory and confirm the result at a visit to the gynecologist.

In the following article, we have described how and when it is best to take a pregnancy test:


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