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Маргарита (Anonymous, 84.119.171.) Warszawa 7 days ago

Can Arilin and Fluomizin be used at the same time?

Is it possible to use Arilin simultaneously with fluomizin?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

Arilin (metronidazole) and Fluomizin (decvalinium) are two different medications used to treat intimate infections, mainly bacterial. Metronidazole in Arilina has antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties, and decvalinium in Fluomizin has a wide range of antibacterial effects, also directed against fungi and protozoa.

It may be possible to use these medications at the same time, but it depends on the specific case and the type of infection being treated. In practice, doctors sometimes recommend a combination of these drugs if there is a need for broad antimicrobial action. However, it is important that such treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will assess the risks and benefits of such therapy to avoid irritation or other side effects.

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