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Jola (Anonymous, 89.67.19.) Warszawa 7 days ago

Can I take another serving of Ismigen 4 days later?
9.99 zł

Can I take Ismigen 4 days later? I should have started the last blister of Ismigen today, but I forgot to take it with me on the trip. Will it have any consequences?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 days ago

Ismigen is used according to the following scheme:

"One tablet a day before eating, dissolve under the tongue. Use on ten consecutive days a month for a period of 3 months."

The recommended procedure includes 10 days of taking the drug and 20 days of rest in 3 cycles, although this is not precisely described in the summary of product characteristics. The efficacy of the preparation has also not been evaluated when the dosage procedure is changed (or such studies are not described in the leaflet). As a rule - it is best to follow medical recommendations in such a case, but I do not think that a 4-day delay will cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. The next batch of Ismigen should be taken 20 days after the end of the 10-tablet cycle.

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