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Piotr81 (Anonymous, 37.47.114.) Kraków 5 days ago

I have high blood pressure and heart rate after taking amphetamines - can I take Tranxene 5mg?
11.00 zł
10.00 zł

Since yesterday I have consumed a gram of amphetamine. I have a higher heart rate of 103 and I feel more heart muscle work. Because of this, I experience a lot of anxiety.
I have one tranxene 5 mg tablet. Can I take it overnight.

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Piotr81 (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 5 days ago

And much better, without medicine. 🙂

Piotr81 (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 5 days ago

Thank you very much for your answer at this time. I wish you every success in these ugly times.
Regards, Piotr.

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

5 days ago

The observed symptoms are a side effect of amphetamine intake (hypertension, tachycardia - tachycardia, etc.). Amphetamine can remain in the body for quite a long time (depending on the situation - up to about 30 hours), hence the effect of its action can be observed several hours after use. Severe cardiovascular symptoms may be the cause of a life-threatening condition (overheating of the body, cardiac ischemia), so persistent disorders should be consulted with a doctor - just like taking Tranxene. Tranxene can be taken in case of withdrawal syndrome in alcohol dependence. There is no data on the combination of this drug with amphetamines, moreover, taking psychoactive substances at the same time seems to be a mediocre idea (benzodiazepines can further impair the respiratory system). If the blood pressure is still too high the next day, I suggest going to the doctor.

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