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Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Bartosz (Anonymous, 172.225.38.) Warszawa 9 days ago

Warsaw! When will the delivery be? We have been waiting for weeks, the situation is already ...

Warsaw! When will the delivery be? We have been waiting for weeks, the situation is stupid. My prescription has already expired.

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8976 (Anonymous, 46.112.110.) 6 days ago

Kkkk - exactly, a few weeks is a full slack... let them be happy that it will be at all.... 😏

Srak (Anonymous, 212.75.108.) 7 days ago

XDDDD People with grudges against Mrs. Angelika, as if she was the one making these deliveries. I would like to thank you very much for this answer and blog; They make life much easier when choosing varieties.

Anonymous (Anonymous, 37.47.184.) 8 days ago

Was it possible to arrange anything with the sales representative? The situation is getting really frivolous, especially with the 30-day prescription processing time...

Kkkk (Anonymous, 88.156.138.) 8 days ago

Weeks is not that long, krypton 25% has not been seen😆 for more than half a year

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 days ago

Initially, we received information from the Medicare wholesaler about the delivery of the S-Lab 18%, but for some reason it was postponed.
I am now waiting for new information from the sales representative. From what I have been able to determine, the Medicare wholesaler does not yet have a new supply of raw material at home.

Adzina (Anonymous, 89.64.67.) 9 days ago

@Angelika Talar-Spionek can you give us the answer? you said the deliveries would be this week

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