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Morena (Anonymous, 37.30.124.) Warszawa 10 days ago

What effect does Axyven have on a person with ADHD and should the treatment be changed?

What effect does Axyven have on a person with ADHD? The drug was implemented due to depression. If the diagnosis of ADHD is confirmed, should the medication be changed? If so, please make a suggestion.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The decision to change the treatment should be discussed with a psychiatrist in this case, if only because of the possibility of interactions between Axyven and some drugs used in the pharmacotherapy of ADHD. The response to antidepressant treatment may be an individual matter in this case; It is difficult to predict the body's reaction to the drug. Some patients use antidepressants successfully, so the lack of therapeutic effect should not be assumed in advance. There are also other mood-enhancing medications that can be beneficial for a concentration deficit. It is worth remembering that ADHD is generally not a disease and such a diagnosis should be considered in a holistic way, taking into account lifestyle, type of work, nutrition, memory techniques, etc. The key is to develop your own mechanisms and techniques to make everyday life easier.

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