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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Qranto (Anonymous, 37.225.5.) Polska 10 days ago

Do you know when a new shipment of dried medical marijuana of the Krypton 25% variety will hit pharmacies?

Is it known when there will be any delivery of Krypton 25%thc?

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

Certified and affordable. This is a medical device. Use it as instructed.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

The dried herbs are sent to another country, in this case to Germany.
At the beginning of January 2025, new varieties with a high concentration of THC, e.g. with 27% THC from Aurora, are to hit the Polish market, then the situation should improve.

8976 (Anonymous, 46.112.110.) 4 days ago

I am curious what happens later with such a batch that does not pass the qualitative tests?

On the other hand, in my opinion, it is not wise to completely block the sale of the entire batch and access to the drug because there was a shortage of 1-2 percent THC.

It is a natural product and the concentration may fluctuate, if only due to the season.

I believe that such a product should be sold at a reduced price with appropriate information about the concentration, and not completely taken off the shelves.

Now patients do not have the drug at all, instead of having a slightly weaker or stronger one.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 days ago

The October delivery did not pass the quality tests (THC concentration did not fit into the +/- 10% range). The testing of the next batch will take place in November this year, the manufacturer informed.

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