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Regina (Anonymous, 94.75.84.) Warszawa 10 days ago

How to take Metarecod with other medications, e.g. Efectin, Preato, Propranolol?
9.99 zł

Please inform me about how to use Metarecod. The leaflet states that the medication should be taken before or during a meal (before the two main meals) and that it is recommended to consume the product at least two hours after taking the medication in order to avoid possible interactions during its absorption. Meanwhile, after a meal I have to take other medications (e.g. efectin, preato, propranolol). Please let me know what to do to keep the recommended intervals and are they so important?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

10 days ago

Metarecod is not a drug, but a medical device that contains polysaccharides. It is designed for people with metabolic syndrome to help normalize cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels. The manufacturer recommends taking it before the two main meals. As it is not a drug, no studies have been conducted on its possible effects on other drugs, so it is recommended that Metarecod be taken at least two hours after taking the medication to avoid possible interactions.

However, if you have to take medication after meals, it is better to give up Metarecod so as not to risk that it will weaken the effect of the medication. You can also consult your doctor - you may be able to modify the dosage of medications so that you do not have to take them immediately after meals.

Regarding the above-mentioned drugs:

- Efectin can be taken with or without food, but taking the medication with a meal can help reduce the risk of side effects such as nausea. For this reason, it is often recommended to take it with a meal. It is usually taken 2-3 times a day.

- Preato can be taken with or without food. However, some people note that taking it with food can help minimize side effects such as nausea. It is usually taken once a day.

- Propranolol should be taken with or just after a meal. Taking the medicine with food can help absorb it and reduce the risk of side effects such as stomach discomfort. It is usually taken 2 times a day.

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