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anonim  (Anonymous, 37.225.93.) Warszawa 6 days ago

Will stool 1.5 hours after taking a Dionelle pill weaken contraceptive protection?
9.99 zł

She takes Dionelle. I didn't eat much today, and 30 minutes and an hour after taking the pill I passed stool.
If I want to take an extra pill to protect myself, should I do it within 2 hours of taking the pill? Since I didn't eat anything today, this stool was probably this pill ... What to do?

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anonim (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

And what about that drink with quinine and other herbs (martini fiero)? Will he not react with Dionelle because of the liquor he drank a few days ago?

anonim (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

Thank you

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

1. Are you sure that the tablet has not been excreted in such a short time?

No, there is no such possibility. Digestion with the participation of enzymes usually takes 2-4 hours, absorption in the intestines 3-5 hours, and undigested remains stay in the large intestine for up to about 10 hours.

2. If I wash it down with Coke half an hour after the pill, could it not have been absorbed?

Such an event also does not affect the effect of contraceptive pills.

3. However, if I took such an additional tablet about 5 hours after the Dionelle tablet, would it be okay? because it will still be within these 12 hours?

If this situation raises doubts and anxiety in you, you can of course take an additional tablet. However, it should be remembered that regular use of additional pills without consulting a doctor can lead to adverse effects.

anoni (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

In addition, I recently had a Martini Fiero drink with this quinine, so maybe it would be a better idea to take this pill from an extra blister

anoni (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

However, if I took such an additional tablet about 5 hours after the Dionelle tablet, would it be okay ? because it will still be during these 12 hours ?

anoni (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

Excuse me
but yesve, please answer my 2 questions asked below

anonim (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

And I'll also ask if if I drink it with cola for half an hour because I take a pill, could it not have been absorbed?

anonim (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

q What if the tablet has been excreted due to increased intestinal transit and this will reduce the possibility of absorption of the tablet taken.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

In my opinion, there is no reason to worry and the pill works.

anon (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

So do you think that even if I passed two large stools, this pill works?
I'm sorry, but I'm nervous Are you sure she wasn't excreted in such a short time ?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

Yes, taking two active pills in one day does not weaken the contraceptive effect, but it may be associated with a higher risk of side effects.

The tablets are absorbed in the intestines up to about 3-4 hours after ingestion.

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

And is it true that the tablet is then (within an hour) in the duodenum? Can it already be excreted?

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

and do 2 active pills taken in one day understand that it does not weaken the effectiveness but can intensify the side effects ?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The next tablet can be taken up to 12 hours after the regular time of taking the tablets.

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

And so for the future, if there is a pole or a new Dionelle tablet I should take
within 2 hours can I do it within 12 hours?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The 8th tablet is the second week.

Two loose stools also do not impair the effect of contraception.

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

but it was two loose stools, what in such a situation ...

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

And since it's the 8th tablet, do I count it as the first week or as the second?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

Physiological defecation after taking the pill (even after 1.5 hours) does not affect the effectiveness of contraception. Stool forms over a long period of time, so it doesn't matter that you didn't eat much that day. There is no need to take an additional tablet.

I attach similar threads with statements by other pharmacists:



anoni (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

is the eighth tablet
Should I take an additional one? What if I take it ? I was in the toilet twice - once for 30 minutes and the second time after 2 hours

anonim  (Anonymous, 31.178.116.) 6 days ago

is the day of ovulation - that is, the 8th pill
Does it slightly interfere with the effectiveness of the or how ?? Since I didn't eat anything today, is it possible that the whole pill was excreted ? Should I take an additional tablet only up to 2 hours or later?

anonim  (Anonymous, 37.225.93.) 6 days ago

please answer because I don't know if I should take an extra pill

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