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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ilona P (Anonymous, 80.51.64.) Świętokrzyskie 11 days ago

After taking the second Elin pill with a 7-hour delay, was the protection against pregnancy maintained?
37.00 zł

I have been using contraception with Elin for 4 years. During the withdrawal bleeding, intercourse occurred. Then I took the 1st pill from the next blister correctly on time (and I also had intercourse on that day) and I took the second pill with a 7-hour delay. Has the protection against pregnancy been maintained? Please answer me and thank you very much

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

10 days ago

To @Ilona P:

No, contraceptive protection has been maintained. During the 7-day break, you are protected, there is no need to use additional contraceptive methods (e.g. condoms). Subsequent tablets should be taken at a fixed, fixed time.

Ilona P (Anonymous, 80.51.64.) 10 days ago

And does it matter in maintaining contraceptive protection to have intercourse about 2 hours before using the first pill from the blister and then a 7-hour delay in taking the next pill?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

10 days ago

Yes, if the delay in taking the tablet did not exceed 12 hours, the protection against pregnancy is maintained. If intercourse occurs after the first tablet of a new blister and the second pill is taken with a delay, there is no significant risk of loss of contraceptive efficacy.

However, it is important to try to take the pills regularly and at appropriate intervals in the future. If you have any doubts or concerns, you may want to consider taking a pregnancy test or consulting your doctor.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:

The availability of Elin in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/88837/elin-tabletki/apteki

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