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Marilu (Anonymous, 5.90.28.) Warszawa 20 days ago

Can I give 15 ml of Immunotrophin to a 6-year-old child?

Good evening
My ENT doctor prescribed my 6-year-old daughter antigen B plus immunotrophin... 15 ml per day of immunotrophin for one month. on the immunotrophin leaflet, however, I read about 5 or 10 ml of administration... Is a dose of 15ml possible for a 6-year-old child? Thanks in advance

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

18 days ago

Based on your medical condition, your doctor may change the dosage to something different from what is generally recommended. One of the active substances of Immunotrophin is beta-glucan, which supports immune processes. There is no fixed daily therapeutic dose of this substance. Due to this, the doctor who determines the dosage, in addition to the manufacturer's recommendations, can also be guided by his clinical experience and scientific studies. The recommended doses of B vitamins, which are also components of Immunotrophin, can be higher or smaller depending on the child's health. The doctor can choose them individually, unlike the manufacturer's recommendation.
If you have any doubts about the recommended dosage, you should clarify them with the prescriber.

Here you can compare prices for Immunotrophin, book a preparation or order with delivery:


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