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nick (Anonymous, 193.16.99.) Warszawa 12 days ago

Should I follow a low glycemic index diet while taking Metformax SR, even if I do not have diabetes?
9.99 zł

Should you follow a low glycemic index diet with metformax sr? (Even if you don't have diabetes, but are overweight/obese and/or insulin resistant?) What can be the negative effects of not following a low GI diet? How often can you take a break from your diet?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

12 days ago

Metformax SR (metformin) is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes, which is also often prescribed to people who are overweight, obese or insulin resistant. Metformin helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves cell sensitivity to insulin.

Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet in combination with treatment can bring many benefits, m.in: improve insulin sensitivity, reduce body weight, stabilize blood glucose levels or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Metformin supports these processes on its own, but without diet, its effectiveness may be limited.

If you do not follow the diet, you can expect effects such as: slow weight loss, increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes or worse well-being (after eating products with a high GI, a rapid drop in energy, drowsiness or a feeling of hunger may appear). Deviations from the diet are acceptable, but in moderation - e.g. once a week or on special occasions. It is worth consulting a dietician to better adapt the diet to your needs.

I am attaching the leaflet of the medicine: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48572/metformax-sr-500-tabletki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/ulotka

and a helpful article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/insulinoopornosc-i-stan-przedcukrzycowy-o-krok-od-cukrzycy

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