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Evab. (Anonymous, 77.25.8.) Warszawa 13 days ago

Whether Cyclo-Progynova does not work if knee pain has appeared?

I (56) have been taking cyclo progynova for 3 years. My very severe joint and muscle pain decreased. For about 3 months, however, I have been noticing severe pain in my knees and especially in the no muscles, which cannot be explained by excessive exercise. Is it possible that the dosage of hormones is too low? Thank you for your reply

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

11 days ago

Cyclo-Progynova is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of oestrogen deficiency (such as hot flashes, trouble sleeping, dizziness, vaginal dryness) following natural menopause or hypogonadism, removal of the reproductive organs or primary ovarian insufficiency in women with a preserved uterus. The drug does not affect joint and muscle pain.

Side effects of the preparation include, for example, muscle cramps. If the pain is accompanied by cramps, I encourage you to report adverse drug reactions. Reporting side effects allows you to increase control over medicines available on the market. We wrote more about how and why to report side effects in the article:


If knee pain persists, I encourage you to consult a doctor. You can also take advantage of teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


During the consultation, the doctor will determine the legitimacy of your continued use of the drug.

We wrote about hormone replacement therapy in the article:


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