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Łukasz (Anonymous, 31.182.241.) Warszawa 21 hours ago

Can I take all of the vitamins and supplements listed below at the same time as Oxycodone?
9.99 zł

Can I take all of the vitamins and supplements listed below at the same time as Oxycodone? (Oxydolor)

Vitamin A, Vitamin D Vitamin E, Vitamin C Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Folic acid Pantothenic acid, Biotin Magnesium Iron Zinc, Iodine Selenium, Copper Ginko Biloba, Bacopa monnieri extract Silver fir branch extract.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

19 hours ago

Taking supplements and vitamins together with Oxycodone (Oxydolor) requires caution.

Most of the vitamins listed (A, D, E, C, B12, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin) and minerals (magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper) are usually safe in combination with Oxycodone. However, high doses of certain minerals (e.g. magnesium) can affect the absorption of medications.

Ginko Biloba may increase the risk of bleeding, which may be relevant if Oxycodone is taken with other medicines that affect clotting. Bacopa monnieri extract and silver fir branch extract may have a variety of effects, including potential drug interactions.

I encourage you to consult your doctor before starting supplementation, especially when using Oxycodone. I also suggest that you consult your family doctor or dietician whether the use of all the above-mentioned preparations is justified by nutritional deficiencies, which may result, m.in from the diet or diseases that impair the absorption of nutrients.
You can read more about whether you need to supplement vitamins and minerals in the text:


If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


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