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Kika (Anonymous, 91.67.159.) Polska 11 hours ago

During the 32-day prednisolone therapy, I started to sleep badly. No medication helps for longer, should I have my thyroid checked?
12.00 zł

She was treated for 32 days with Prednisolone (Crohn's disease). I started to sleep badly on steroids. I took Zolopid/Zopiclon (weeks, they worked on average). After the end of steroid therapy, I took Trittico and Pregabaline (I slept well for a week). Now I'm taking Esogno (I sleep 4 hours). Is that much sleep on this drug? Once I slept 7 hours. Should the thyroid gland be examined? Please advise.

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

9 hours ago

Prednisolone preparations may cause sleep disorders in some patients. The appearance of insomnia may or may not necessarily be related to the medication used. There are many causes of insomnia, such as improper sleep hygiene, stress, anxiety, mental illness or certain medications (including steroids).

Cognitive behavioral therapy, i.e. changing daily habits and following the principles of sleep hygiene, is important in the treatment of insomnia. These include, m.in:

1) Sticking to regular times of getting up and going to bed and taking care of the right amount of sleep (about 7-8 hours).

2) Avoid exposure to strong light 3 hours before bedtime and at least 1-2 hours before bedtime to blue light emitted by electronic devices, e.g. phone or TV.

3) Do not fall asleep on a full stomach, it is recommended to eat the last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime, it should be light.

4) You should take care of the right conditions in the bedroom, it should be quiet, dark and cool (the appropriate temperature range is 16-22°C).

5) Do not fall asleep by force. If you have trouble falling asleep, get up and do a relaxing and unengaging activity of your choice, while not exposing yourself to intense light. It may be a good idea, for example, to do stretching exercises or listen to relaxing music until you feel sleepy.

6) It is worth taking care of regular physical activity, which improves the quality of sleep.

If the introduction of the above rules does not bring results, only then should pharmacological therapy be considered, constantly following the above rules. The use of medications without proper sleep hygiene will have a small and short-term effect.

If current medications do not work, you should consult a doctor. He or she has full information about your health condition and the course of the disease and will be able to recommend the best further course of action in your case. Perhaps he or she will recommend appropriate tests, including the thyroid hormone tests you mentioned. Thyroid dysfunction may affect the occurrence of insomnia. Although it is worth bearing in mind that prednisolone may have temporarily affected the thyroid function.

A detailed description of the situation and the medications used should be reported to the doctor, who will recommend the appropriate course of action for you. If necessary, the Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to use teleconsultations:


At the same time, please remember that drugs containing zolpidem, zopiclone or eszopiclone (Esogno) are intended for short-term use. They should be used for as short a time as possible, for a period of no more than 4 weeks due to the possibility of developing psychological or physical dependence, although sometimes, depending on the patient's clinical condition, the doctor may recommend longer use of this type of medication. If the use of Esogno does not bring the expected results, you should report this fact to your doctor.

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