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Bartek (Anonymous, 185.81.59.) Warszawa 14 days ago

Will Rantudil forte at a dose of 10 capsules per day be more effective than Olfen 75 mg?

I have serious problems with the lumbar spine, I can't move or even stand up, I'm 38 years old, today I was given dexaven and ketonal intravenously, I took olfen 75x2 and now I have to take rantundil forte x3 up to a maximum of 10 tablets a day, which is more effective?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

11 days ago

Rantudil forte is used as a standard dose of 180 mg per day, i.e. 3 capsules. In case of extremely severe pain, the dose may be temporarily increased to 600 mg per day (10 capsules of Rantudil Forte). This is the maximum daily dose.

Rantudil has almost twice the duration of action compared to Olfen. Both preparations are classified as strong anti-inflammatory drugs.

Due to the specificity of the problem, I encourage you to seek advice from a physiotherapist. Most ailments related to body posture and spinal function should be treated in many directions; Rehabilitation in this case should play the main role.

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