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Jadwi (Anonymous, 31.0.127.) Warszawa 15 days ago

Can I use Ketilept 25 mg together with Agomelatine + pharma 25 mg at night?

Can I take ketilopet 25 mg with agomelatine + pharma 25mg at night

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 days ago

At the outset, it should be noted that the drugs mentioned in the question: Ketilept (an antidepressant) and Agomelatine (a drug that regulates sleep rhythm and mood) are prescription, so the legitimacy and need to combine them in therapy should be determined by a doctor. Dosage should also be determined by a specialist to ensure maximum benefits and minimum risks.

Although you can theoretically use both drugs together, it is crucial to have an evaluation by a medical professional. Also, observe your well-being and report any worrying symptoms to your doctor.

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