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Anatolij (Anonymous, 90.156.117.) Warszawa 15 days ago

What to do if psoriasis worsens?

Hello, psoriasis has started to get worse, can you advise me?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

12 days ago

Depending on the severity of symptoms, you can implement the use of exfoliating lubricants, e.g.:



and lubricating, for example:



as well as specialized scalp preparations:



On our website, you can check the availability of the above preparations and place an order with collection at the pharmacy or home delivery.

However, in the case of severe lesions, it will be necessary to consult a dermatologist, who can prescribe a specialized treatment tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

In the period of severe ailments, it is worth paying more attention to diet (reducing the share of dairy products in the diet in favor of good quality products of plant origin), supplementing omega 3 acids (fish oil) and vitamin D, as well as taking care of the comfort of everyday life also in the psychological aspect (rest, adequate sleep, limiting - as much as possible - stressful situations).

For more information:


I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the line of cosmetics dedicated to psoriatic skin:


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