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Tatiana (Anonymous, 172.225.41.) Warszawa 3 days ago

Can you take Pregna start if you are not planning to get pregnant?

Hello, is it possible to take pregna start from yes as a dietary supplement vitamin after even though I am not planning pregnancy? If so, how long can such pills be used?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

16 hours ago

Pregna start is intended for women planning pregnancy. The manufacturer does not indicate the existence of time restrictions on the use of the supplement. The recommendations are to take folic acid before conception and after conception (one month before and 3 months after conception). The ingredients of the product have a positive effect on homocysteine metabolism (set: B12, B6, folic acid and choline). Usually, vitamin preparations are taken for 2-3 months, unless a doctor recommends otherwise (e.g. in the case of chronic deficiencies of certain minerals).

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