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Wiola (Anonymous, 188.147.4.) Warszawa 14 hours ago

4 weeks after childbirth, if my partner touched me in the vaginal area with his naked penis, can I get pregnant?
9.99 zł

I am 4 weeks after childbirth, I express milk with a breast pump. I caressed my boyfriend, I had loose shorts, underwear and a sanitary pad, but it could move slightly. My partner touched me with his naked penis in the vagina area. There was no full intercourse and no sperm, only discharge. Can I get pregnant?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

12 hours ago

In the described situation, the risk of pregnancy is practically zero. For fertilization to occur, sperm must be in direct contact with the vagina, and the pre-ejaculatory secretion contains only minimal amounts of sperm and is unlikely to penetrate layers of clothing such as underwear, shorts and sanitary pads.

In addition, 4 weeks after giving birth, if you express milk regularly, there is also a protective mechanism called lactation anovulation that reduces the risk of pregnancy (although it is not completely reliable). In the presented scenario, there is no reason to worry about pregnancy.

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