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Wiola (Anonymous, 188.147.12.) Warszawa 21 hours ago

Can I get pregnant if my partner touched my vagina with his penis?
9.99 zł

I'm 3 weeks after giving birth. I caressed myself with my partner and he touched my vagina with his penis, but there was no full intercourse. Can I be pregnant?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

21 hours ago

If there has been no contact of semen with the vaginal mucosa, there is no risk of pregnancy. The possible risk of pregnancy depends, for example, on the moment of the cycle (whether fertility has already returned), the presence of ejaculate or pre-ejaculate on the penis.

Otherwise, there is a chance of pregnancy, which we wrote about, for example, in the opinion:


If you are not planning another child, I encourage you to consult a gynaecologist in order to choose the right method of contraception for you, especially since there are no previous symptoms of fertility return. Ovulation occurs before bleeding and fertilization is already possible then.

If necessary, you can also use teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


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