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Michał (Anonymous, 45.11.61.) Warszawa 1 day ago

How long should it take from taking Poltram to starting SSRI treatment?
18.00 zł

Hello, for the last two days I have been using tramadol after tooth extraction.
A psychiatrist prescribed SSRI for me. I know that these drugs interact, my question is how long should you wait after the last dose of poltram to calmly start therapy with an antidepressant, greetings and thank you.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

The summary of product characteristics does not indicate a specific time interval that should be maintained between taking the above-mentioned drugs (in situations of real danger, precise information is usually provided). The maximum time of elimination of tramadol from the body is about 2 days. A few days break after the end of painkiller treatment seems to be a good solution with a large safety margin. The first two weeks of SSRI use may cause a temporary deterioration in mood. If fever and increased blood pressure are observed, medical consultation is recommended.

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