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Ewa  (Anonymous, 178.43.99.) Warszawa 1 day ago

What if Cortineff, Tobradex, Virgan and Vigamox have not cured conjunctivitis?

I've had a problem with my eyes for a week and a half, probably conjunctivitis, tobradex drops and cortineff eyelid ointment don't help much. The second set is vigamox drops and virgan gel. Vigamox irritated my eyes and virgan gel similarly. I use tobradex and cortineff again, but the situation is not good. Prisza for help. What to do.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

10 hours ago

If anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications have not helped, you should consult your ophthalmologist again. There may be various reasons for this (lack of sensitivity of microorganisms to the drug or, for example, another cause of conjunctivitis - allergy, rosacea, etc.). You can use moisturizing and soothing eye preparations available at the pharmacy without a prescription as a support. It is best to choose drops without the addition of preservatives, e.g.:



If the problem also affects the skin of the eyelids, it is worth using specialized products for the care of the eye area, e.g.:


On our website, you can check the availability of products and place an order with collection at the pharmacy or home delivery.

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